CommonLibSSE (powerof3)
No Matches
RE::PlayerCharacter Class Reference

#include <PlayerCharacter.h>

Inheritance diagram for RE::PlayerCharacter:
RE::BSTEventSink< TESTrackedStatsEvent > RE::BSTEventSink< UserEventEnabledEvent > RE::BSTEventSink< MenuModeChangeEvent > RE::BSTEventSink< MenuOpenCloseEvent > RE::BSTEventSource< PositionPlayerEvent > RE::BSTEventSource< BGSActorDeathEvent > RE::BSTEventSource< BGSActorCellEvent > RE::Character


struct  PlayerFlags
struct  PlayerSkills
struct  PreTransformationData
struct  QueuedWeapon
struct  TeleportPath

Public Types

enum class  EventType { kThief = 3 , kContainer = 5 , kDeadBody = 6 }
enum class  GrabbingType { kNone = 0 , kNormal , kTelekinesis }
enum class  ByCharGenFlag { kNone = 0 , kDisableSaving = 1 << 0 , kHandsBound = 1 << 2 }
- Public Types inherited from RE::Actor
enum class  BOOL_BITS {
  kNone = 0 , kDelayUpdateScenegraph = 1 << 0 , kProcessMe = 1 << 1 , kMurderAlarm = 1 << 2 ,
  kHasSceneExtra = 1 << 3 , kHeadingFixed = 1 << 4 , kSpeakingDone = 1 << 5 , kIgnoreChangeAnimationCall = 1 << 6 ,
  kSoundFileDone = 1 << 7 , kVoiceFileDone = 1 << 8 , kInTempChangeList = 1 << 9 , kDoNotRunSayToCallback = 1 << 10 ,
  kDead = 1 << 11 , kForceGreetingPlayer = 1 << 12 , kForceUpdateQuestTarget = 1 << 13 , kSearchingInCombat = 1 << 14 ,
  kAttackOnNextTheft = 1 << 15 , kEvpBuffered = 1 << 16 , kResetAI = 1 << 17 , kInWater = 1 << 18 ,
  kSwimming = 1 << 19 , kVoicePausedByScript = 1 << 20 , kWasInFrustrum = 1 << 21 , kShouldRotateToTrack = 1 << 22 ,
  kSetOnDeath = 1 << 23 , kDoNotPadVoice = 1 << 24 , kFootIKInRange = 1 << 25 , kPlayerTeammate = 1 << 26 ,
  kGivePlayerXP = 1 << 27 , kSoundCallbackSuccess = 1 << 28 , kUseEmotion = 1 << 29 , kGuard = 1 << 30 ,
  kParalyzed = 1 << 31
enum class  BOOL_FLAGS {
  kNone = 0 , kScenePackage = 1 << 0 , kIsAMount = 1 << 1 , kMountPointClear = 1 << 2 ,
  kGettingOnOffMount = 1 << 3 , kInRandomScene = 1 << 4 , kNoBleedoutRecovery = 1 << 5 , kInBleedoutAnimation = 1 << 6 ,
  kCanDoFavor = 1 << 7 , kShouldAnimGraphUpdate = 1 << 8 , kCanSpeakToEssentialDown = 1 << 9 , kBribedByPlayer = 1 << 10 ,
  kAngryWithPlayer = 1 << 11 , kIsTrespassing = 1 << 12 , kCanSpeak = 1 << 13 , kIsInKillMove = 1 << 14 ,
  kAttackOnSight = 1 << 15 , kIsCommandedActor = 1 << 16 , kForceOneAnimgraphUpdate = 1 << 17 , kEssential = 1 << 18 ,
  kProtected = 1 << 19 , kAttackingDisabled = 1 << 20 , kCastingDisabled = 1 << 21 , kSceneHeadTrackRotation = 1 << 22 ,
  kForceIncMinBoneUpdate = 1 << 23 , kCrimeSearch = 1 << 24 , kMovingIntoLoadedArea = 1 << 25 , kDoNotShowOnStealthMeter = 1 << 26 ,
  kMovementBlocked = 1 << 27 , kAllowInstantFurniturePopInPlayerCell = 1 << 28 , kForceAnimGraphUpdate = 1 << 29 , kCheckAddEffectDualCast = 1 << 30 ,
  kUnderwater = 1 << 31
- Public Types inherited from RE::TESObjectREFR
using Count = std::int32_t
using InventoryCountMap = std::map< TESBoundObject *, Count >
using InventoryItemMap = std::map< TESBoundObject *, std::pair< Count, std::unique_ptr< InventoryEntryData > > >
using InventoryDropMap = std::map< TESBoundObject *, std::pair< Count, std::vector< ObjectRefHandle > > >
- Public Types inherited from RE::TESForm
enum class  InGameFormFlag {
  kNone = 0 , kWantsDelete = 1 << 0 , kForcedPersistent = 1 << 1 , kNoFavorAllowed = 1 << 4 ,
  kIsSkyObject = 1 << 5 , kRefOriginalPersistent = 1 << 6 , kRefPermanentlyDeleted = 1 << 7
- Public Types inherited from RE::BSHandleRefObject
enum  { kRefCountMask = 0x3FF , kHandleValid = 1 << 10 }
- Public Types inherited from RE::MagicTarget
using Archetype = EffectArchetypes::ArchetypeID
- Public Types inherited from RE::BSTEventSource< BGSActorCellEvent >
using Sink = BSTEventSink< BGSActorCellEvent >
- Public Types inherited from RE::BSTEventSource< BGSActorDeathEvent >
using Sink = BSTEventSink< BGSActorDeathEvent >
- Public Types inherited from RE::BSTEventSource< PositionPlayerEvent >
using Sink = BSTEventSink< PositionPlayerEvent >

Public Member Functions

 ~PlayerCharacter () override
void RemoveWeapon (BIPED_OBJECT equipIndex) override
virtual void Unk_12A (void)
virtual std::uint32_t GetViolentCrimeGoldValue (const TESFaction *a_faction) const
virtual std::uint32_t GetNonViolentCrimeGoldValue (const TESFaction *a_faction) const
virtual void ClearAllCrimeGold (TESFaction *a_faction)
virtual void Unk_12E (void)
void ActivatePickRef ()
void AddPlayerAddItemEvent (TESObject *a_object, TESForm *a_owner, TESObjectREFR *a_container, AQUIRE_TYPE a_type)
void AddSkillExperience (ActorValue a_skill, float a_experience)
bool AttemptPickpocket (TESObjectREFR *a_containerRef, InventoryEntryData *a_entry, std::int32_t a_number, bool a_fromContainer=true)
bool CenterOnCell (const char *a_cellName)
bool CenterOnCell (TESObjectCELL *a_cell)
bool CheckCast (MagicItem *a_spell, Effect *a_effect, MagicSystem::CannotCastReason &a_reason)
void DestroyMouseSprings ()
void EndGrabObject ()
NiPointer< ActorGetActorDoingPlayerCommand () const
float GetArmorValue (InventoryEntryData *a_form)
float GetDamage (InventoryEntryData *a_form)
NiPointer< TESObjectREFRGetGrabbedRef ()
std::int32_t GetItemCount (TESBoundObject *a_object)
std::uint32_t GetNumTints (std::uint32_t a_tintType)
TintMask * GetOverlayTintMask (TintMask *a_original)
BSTArray< TintMask * > & GetTintList ()
TintMask * GetTintMask (std::uint32_t a_tintType, std::uint32_t a_index)
bool HasActorDoingCommand () const
bool IsGrabbing () const
void PlayMagicFailureSound (MagicSystem::SpellType a_spellType)
void PlayPickupEvent (TESForm *a_item, TESForm *a_containerOwner, TESObjectREFR *a_containerRef, EventType a_eventType)
void SetAIDriven (bool a_enable)
void SetEscaping (bool a_flag, bool a_escaped)
void StartGrabObject ()
void UpdateCrosshairs ()
template<class T >
BSTEventSource< T > * GetEventSource ()
template<class T >
void AddEventSink (BSTEventSink< T > *a_sink)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::Character
 ~Character () override
void SaveGame (BGSSaveFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void LoadGame (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void InitLoadGame (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void FinishLoadGame (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void Revert (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void Predestroy (void) override
bool IsChild () const override
BSFaceGenNiNodeGetFaceNodeSkinned () override
BSFaceGenAnimationDataGetFaceGenAnimationData () override
void SetBiped (const BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnim > &a_biped) override
void InitiateVampireFeedPackage (Actor *a_arg1, TESObjectREFR *a_arg2) override
void Unk_C4 (void) override
void Unk_C5 (void) override
void Unk_C6 (void) override
void OnArmorActorValueChanged () override
bool InitiateTresPassPackage (TrespassPackage *a_trespassPackage) override
void SetSize (float a_size) override
float CalcArmorRating () override
float GetArmorBaseFactorSum () override
float CalcUnarmedDamage () override
void PrecacheData (void) override
virtual void Unk_128 (void)
virtual void Unk_129 (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::Actor
 ~Actor () override
void InitItemImpl () override
void SetDelete (bool a_set) override
BGSLocationGetEditorLocation1 () const override
bool GetEditorLocation2 (NiPoint3 &a_outPos, NiPoint3 &a_outRot, TESForm *&a_outWorldOrCell, TESObjectCELL *a_fallback) override
void ForceEditorLocation (BGSLocation *a_location) override
void Update3DPosition (bool a_warp) override
void UpdateSoundCallBack (bool a_endSceneAction) override
bool SetDialogueWithPlayer (bool a_flag, bool a_forceGreet, TESTopicInfo *a_topic) override
BGSAnimationSequencerGetSequencer (void) const override
bool HasKeywordHelper (const BGSKeyword *a_keyword) const override
TESPackageCheckForCurrentAliasPackage () override
BGSSceneGetCurrentScene () const override
void SetCurrentScene (BGSScene *a_scene) override
bool UpdateInDialogue (DialogueResponse *a_response, bool a_unused) override
BGSDialogueBranchGetExclusiveBranch () const override
void SetExclusiveBranch (BGSDialogueBranch *a_branch) override
void PauseCurrentDialogue (void) override
NiPoint3 GetStartingAngle () const override
NiPoint3 GetStartingLocation () const override
ObjectRefHandle RemoveItem (TESBoundObject *a_item, std::int32_t a_count, ITEM_REMOVE_REASON a_reason, ExtraDataList *a_extraList, TESObjectREFR *a_moveToRef, const NiPoint3 *a_dropLoc=0, const NiPoint3 *a_rotate=0) override
bool AddWornItem (TESBoundObject *a_item, std::int32_t a_count, bool a_forceEquip, std::uint32_t a_arg4, std::uint32_t a_arg5) override
void DoTrap1 (TrapData &a_data) override
void DoTrap2 (TrapEntry *a_trap, TargetEntry *a_target) override
void AddObjectToContainer (TESBoundObject *a_object, ExtraDataList *a_extraList, std::int32_t a_count, TESObjectREFR *a_fromRefr) override
NiPoint3 GetLookingAtLocation () const override
MagicCasterGetMagicCaster (MagicSystem::CastingSource a_source) override
MagicTargetGetMagicTarget () override
bool DetachHavok (NiAVObject *a_obj3D) override
void InitHavok () override
void Unk_67 (void) override
void Unk_68 (void) override
void Unk_69 (void) override
NiAVObjectLoad3D (bool a_arg1) override
void Set3D (NiAVObject *a_object, bool a_queue3DTasks=true) override
bool PopulateGraphProjectsToLoad (void) const override
NiPoint3 GetBoundMin () const override
NiPoint3 GetBoundMax () const override
void Unk_75 (void) override
void Unk_78 (void) override
void ModifyAnimationUpdateData (BSAnimationUpdateData &a_data) override
bool ShouldSaveAnimationOnUnloading () const override
bool ShouldSaveAnimationOnSaving () const override
bool ShouldPerformRevert () const override
void UpdateAnimation (float a_delta) override
void SetObjectReference (TESBoundObject *a_object) override
void MoveHavok (bool a_forceRec) override
void GetLinearVelocity (NiPoint3 &a_velocity) const override
void SetActionComplete (bool a_set) override
void Disable () override
void ResetInventory (bool a_leveledOnly) override
NiNodeGetFireNode () override
void SetFireNode (NiNode *a_fireNode) override
bool OnAddCellPerformQueueReference (TESObjectCELL &a_cell) const override
void DoMoveToHigh () override
void TryMoveToMiddleLow () override
bool TryChangeSkyCellActorsProcessLevel () override
void TryUpdateActorLastSeenTime () override
void Unk_96 (void) override
void SetParentCell (TESObjectCELL *a_cell) override
bool IsDead (bool a_notEssential=true) const override
bool ProcessInWater (hkpCollidable *a_collidable, float a_waterHeight, float a_deltaTime) override
bool ApplyCurrent (float a_velocityTime, const hkVector4 &a_velocity) override
TESAmmoGetCurrentAmmo () const override
void UnequipItem (std::uint64_t a_arg1, TESBoundObject *a_object) override
ActorGetTargetStatsObject () override
bool MagicTargetIsActor () const override
BSSimpleList< ActiveEffect * > * GetActiveEffectList () override
virtual void Unk_A2 (void)
virtual void PlayPickUpSound (TESBoundObject *a_object, bool a_pickup, bool a_use)
virtual float GetHeading (bool a_ignoreRaceSettings) const
virtual void SetAvoidanceDisabled (bool a_set)
virtual void DrawWeaponMagicHands (bool a_draw)
virtual void DetachCharController ()
virtual void RemoveCharController ()
virtual void SetPosition (const NiPoint3 &a_pos, bool a_updateCharController)
virtual void KillDying ()
virtual void Resurrect (bool a_resetInventory, bool a_attach3D)
virtual bool PutActorOnMountQuick ()
virtual void Update (float a_delta)
virtual void UpdateNoAI (float a_delta)
virtual void UpdateCharacterControllerSimulationSettings (bhkCharacterController &a_controller)
virtual void PotentiallyFixRagdollState ()
virtual void UpdateNonRenderSafe (float a_delta)
virtual void OnItemEquipped (bool a_playAnim)
virtual void Unk_B3 (void)
virtual void Unk_B4 (void)
virtual void SetCrimeGoldValue (TESFaction *a_faction, bool a_violent, std::uint32_t a_amount)
virtual void ModCrimeGoldValue (TESFaction *a_faction, bool a_violent, std::int32_t a_amount)
virtual void RemoveCrimeGoldValue (TESFaction *a_faction, bool a_violent, std::int32_t a_amount)
virtual std::uint32_t GetCrimeGoldValue (const TESFaction *a_faction) const
virtual void GoToPrison (TESFaction *a_faction, bool a_removeInventory, bool a_realJail)
virtual void ServePrisonTime ()
virtual void PayFine (TESFaction *a_faction, bool a_goToJail, bool a_removeStolenItems)
virtual bool GetCannibal ()
virtual void SetCannibal (bool a_set)
virtual bool GetVampireFeed ()
virtual void SetVampireFeed (bool a_set)
virtual void InitiateCannibalPackage (Actor *a_target)
virtual void GetEyeVector (NiPoint3 &a_origin, NiPoint3 &a_direction, bool a_includeCameraOffset)
virtual void SetRefraction (bool a_enable, float a_refraction)
virtual float GetAcrobatics () const
virtual bhkCharacterControllerMove (float a_arg2, const NiPoint3 &a_position)
virtual void Unk_C9 (void)
virtual ObjectRefHandle DropObject (const TESBoundObject *a_object, ExtraDataList *a_extraList, std::int32_t a_count, const NiPoint3 *a_dropLoc=0, const NiPoint3 *a_rotate=0)
virtual void PickUpObject (TESObjectREFR *a_object, std::int32_t a_count, bool a_arg3=false, bool a_playSound=true)
virtual void AttachArrow (const BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnim > &a_biped)
virtual void DetachArrow (const BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnim > &a_biped)
virtual bool AddShout (TESShout *a_shout)
virtual void UnlockWord (TESWordOfPower *a_power)
virtual void Unk_D1 (void)
virtual std::uint32_t UseAmmo (std::uint32_t a_shotCount)
virtual bool CalculateCachedOwnerIsInCombatantFaction () const
virtual CombatGroupGetCombatGroup () const
virtual void SetCombatGroup (CombatGroup *a_group)
virtual bool CheckValidTarget (TESObjectREFR &a_target)
virtual void InitiateDialogue (Actor *a_target, PackageLocation *a_loc1, PackageLocation *a_loc2)
virtual void EndDialogue ()
virtual ActorSetUpTalkingActivatorActor (Actor *a_target, Actor *&a_activator)
virtual void InitiateSpectator (Actor *a_target)
virtual void InitiateFlee (TESObjectREFR *a_fleeRef, bool a_runOnce, bool a_knows, bool a_combatMode, TESObjectCELL *a_cell, TESObjectREFR *a_ref, float a_fleeFromDist, float a_fleeToDist)
virtual void InitiateGetUpPackage ()
virtual void PutCreatedPackage (TESPackage *a_package, bool a_tempPackage, bool a_createdPackage)
virtual void UpdateAlpha ()
virtual void SetAlpha (float a_alpha=1.0)
virtual float GetAlpha ()
virtual bool IsInCombat () const
virtual void UpdateCombat ()
virtual void StopCombat ()
virtual void Unk_E9 (void)
virtual void Unk_EA (void)
virtual float GetRunSpeed ()
virtual float GetJogSpeed ()
virtual float GetFastWalkSpeed ()
virtual float GetWalkSpeed ()
virtual void WeaponSwingCallBack ()
virtual void SetActorStartingPosition ()
virtual bool MoveToHigh ()
virtual bool MovetoLow ()
virtual bool MovetoMiddleLow ()
virtual bool MoveToMiddleHigh ()
virtual bool HasBeenAttacked () const
virtual void SetBeenAttacked (bool a_set)
virtual void UseSkill (ActorValue a_av, float a_points, TESForm *a_arg3)
virtual bool IsAtPoint (const NiPoint3 &a_point, float a_radius, bool a_expandRadius, bool a_alwaysTestHeight)
virtual bool IsInFaction (const TESFaction *faction) const
virtual void ForEachPerk (PerkEntryVisitor &a_visitor) const
virtual void AddPerk (BGSPerk *a_perk, std::uint32_t a_rank=0)
virtual void RemovePerk (BGSPerk *a_perk)
virtual void ApplyTemporaryPerk (BGSPerk *a_perk)
virtual void RemoveTemporaryPerk (BGSPerk *a_perk)
virtual bool HasPerkEntries (EntryPoint a_entryType) const
virtual void ForEachPerkEntry (EntryPoint a_entryType, PerkEntryVisitor &a_visitor) const
virtual void ApplyPerksFromBase ()
virtual void StartPowerAttackCoolDown ()
virtual bool IsPowerAttackCoolingDown () const
virtual void HandleHealthDamage (Actor *a_attacker, float a_damage)
virtual void Unk_105 (void)
virtual void Unk_106 (void)
virtual bool QSpeakingDone () const
virtual void SetSpeakingDone (bool a_set)
virtual void CreateMovementController ()
virtual EmotionType GetEmotionType ()
virtual void SetEmotionType (EmotionType a_emotionType)
virtual std::uint32_t GetEmotionValue ()
virtual void SetEmotionValue (std::uint32_t a_emotionValue)
virtual void KillImpl (Actor *a_attacker, float a_damage, bool a_sendEvent, bool a_ragdollInstant)
virtual bool DrinkPotion (AlchemyItem *a_potion, ExtraDataList *a_extralist)
virtual bool CheckCast (MagicItem *a_spell, bool a_dualCast, MagicSystem::CannotCastReason *a_reason)
virtual void CheckTempModifiers ()
virtual std::int32_t GetCurrentShoutLevel ()
virtual void SetLastRiddenMount (ActorHandle a_mount)
virtual ActorHandle QLastRiddenMount () const
virtual bool CalculateCachedOwnerIsUndead () const
virtual bool CalculateCachedOwnerIsNPC () const
virtual void Unk_117 (void)
virtual void InitValues ()
virtual const BSFixedStringGetResponseString () const
virtual void ModifyMovementData (float a_delta, NiPoint3 &a_arg3, NiPoint3 &a_arg4)
virtual void UpdateCombatControllerSettings ()
virtual void UpdateFadeSettings (bhkCharacterController *a_controller)
virtual bool ComputeMotionFeedbackSpeedAndDirection (const ActorMotionFeedbackData &a_data, float a_delta, ActorMotionFeedbackOutput &a_output)
virtual bool UpdateFeedbackGraphSpeedAndDirection (const ActorMotionFeedbackOutput &a_output)
virtual void UpdateActor3DPosition ()
virtual void WornArmorChanged (void)
virtual void ProcessTracking (float a_delta, NiAVObject *a_obj3D)
virtual void Unk_123 (void)
virtual void CreateActorMover ()
virtual void DestroyActorMover ()
virtual bool ShouldRespondToActorCollision (const MovementMessageActorCollision &a_msg, const ActorHandlePtr &a_target)
virtual float CheckClampDamageModifier (ActorValue a_av, float a_delta)
bool AddAnimationGraphEventSink (BSTEventSink< BSAnimationGraphEvent > *a_sink) const
void AddCastPower (SpellItem *a_power)
void AddDeathItems ()
bool AddSpell (SpellItem *a_spell)
void AddToFaction (TESFaction *a_faction, std::int8_t a_rank)
void AddWornOutfit (BGSOutfit *a_outfit, bool a_forceUpdate)
void AllowBleedoutDialogue (bool a_canTalk)
void AllowPCDialogue (bool a_talk)
void CastPermanentMagic (bool a_wornItemEnchantments, bool a_baseSpells, bool a_raceSpells, bool a_everyActorAbility)
bool CanAttackActor (Actor *a_actor)
bool CanFlyHere () const
bool CanOfferServices () const
bool CanPickpocket () const
bool CanTalkToPlayer () const
bool CanUseIdle (TESIdleForm *a_idle) const
void ClearArrested ()
void ClearExpressionOverride ()
void ClearExtraArrows ()
ActorHandle CreateRefHandle ()
bool Decapitate ()
void DeselectSpell (SpellItem *a_spell)
void DispelAlteredStates (RE::EffectArchetype a_exception)
void DispelWornItemEnchantments ()
void DoReset3D (bool a_updateWeight)
void EnableAI (bool a_enable)
void EndInterruptPackage (bool a_skipDialogue)
void EvaluatePackage (bool a_immediate=false, bool a_resetAI=false)
TESNPCGetActorBase ()
const TESNPCGetActorBase () const
float GetActorValueModifier (ACTOR_VALUE_MODIFIER a_modifier, ActorValue a_value) const
float GetAimAngle () const
float GetAimHeading () const
InventoryEntryDataGetAttackingWeapon ()
const InventoryEntryDataGetAttackingWeapon () const
bhkCharacterControllerGetCharController () const
std::uint32_t GetCollisionFilterInfo (std::uint32_t &a_outCollisionFilterInfo)
NiPointer< ActorGetCommandingActor () const
TESFactionGetCrimeFaction ()
const TESFactionGetCrimeFaction () const
TESPackageGetCurrentPackage ()
const TESPackageGetCurrentPackage () const
TESShoutGetCurrentShout ()
const TESShoutGetCurrentShout () const
InventoryEntryDataGetEquippedEntryData (bool a_leftHand) const
TESFormGetEquippedObject (bool a_leftHand) const
TESFormGetEquippedObjectInSlot (const BGSEquipSlot *slot) const
float GetEquippedWeight ()
std::int32_t GetFactionRank (TESFaction *a_faction, bool a_isPlayer)
FIGHT_REACTION GetFactionReaction (Actor *a_other) const
std::int32_t GetGoldAmount (bool a_noInit=false)
ActorHandle GetHandle ()
NiAVObjectGetHeadPartObject (BGSHeadPart::HeadPartType a_type)
float GetHeight ()
HighProcessDataGetHighProcess () const
ActorGetKiller () const
std::uint16_t GetLevel () const
MiddleHighProcessDataGetMiddleHighProcess () const
bool GetMount (NiPointer< Actor > &a_outMount)
bool GetMountedBy (NiPointer< Actor > &a_outRider)
double GetMoveDirectionRelativeToFacing ()
ObjectRefHandle GetOccupiedFurniture () const
bool GetPlayerControls () const
TESRaceGetRace () const
float GetRegenDelay (ActorValue a_actorValue) const
bool GetRider (NiPointer< Actor > &a_outRider)
TESObjectARMOGetSkin () const
TESObjectARMOGetSkin (BGSBipedObjectForm::BipedObjectSlot a_slot, bool a_noInit=false)
SOUL_LEVEL GetSoulSize () const
TESNPCGetTemplateBase ()
float GetTotalCarryWeight ()
float GetTrackedDamage () const
TESFactionGetVendorFaction ()
const TESFactionGetVendorFaction () const
float GetVoiceRecoveryTime ()
float GetWarmthRating () const
TESObjectARMOGetWornArmor (BGSBipedObjectForm::BipedObjectSlot a_slot, bool a_noInit=false)
TESObjectARMOGetWornArmor (FormID a_formID, bool a_noInit=false)
bool HasKeywordString (std::string_view a_formEditorID)
bool HasLineOfSight (TESObjectREFR *a_ref, bool &a_arg2)
bool HasOutfitItems (BGSOutfit *a_outfit)
bool HasPerk (BGSPerk *a_perk) const
bool HasShout (TESShout *a_shout) const
bool HasSpell (SpellItem *a_spell) const
void InitiateDoNothingPackage ()
void InterruptCast (bool a_restoreMagicka) const
bool IsAttacking () const
bool IsAIEnabled () const
bool IsAlarmed () const
bool IsAMount () const
bool IsAngryWithPlayer () const
bool IsAnimationDriven () const
bool IsBeingRidden () const
bool IsBlocking () const
bool IsCasting (MagicItem *a_spell) const
bool IsCombatTarget (Actor *a_other) const
bool IsCommandedActor () const
bool IsCurrentShout (SpellItem *a_power)
bool IsDoingFavor () const
bool IsDualCasting () const
bool IsEssential () const
bool IsFactionInCrimeGroup (const TESFaction *a_faction) const
bool IsGhost () const
bool IsGuard () const
bool IsHostileToActor (Actor *a_actor)
bool IsInCastPowerList (SpellItem *a_power)
constexpr bool IsInKillMove () const noexcept
bool IsInMidair () const
bool IsInRagdollState () const
bool IsLeveled () const
bool IsLimbGone (std::uint32_t a_limb)
bool IsMoving () const
bool IsOnMount () const
bool IsOverEncumbered () const
bool IsPlayerTeammate () const
bool IsPowerAttacking () const
bool IsProtected () const
bool IsRunning () const
bool IsSneaking () const
bool IsSummoned () const noexcept
bool IsTrespassing () const
void KillImmediate ()
void PlayASound (BSSoundHandle &a_result, FormID a_formID, bool a_unk03, std::uint32_t a_flags)
void ProcessVATSAttack (MagicCaster *a_caster, bool a_hasTargetAnim, TESObjectREFR *a_target, bool a_leftHand)
void RemoveAnimationGraphEventSink (BSTEventSink< BSAnimationGraphEvent > *a_sink) const
void RemoveCastScroll (SpellItem *a_spell, MagicSystem::CastingSource a_source)
void RemoveExtraArrows3D ()
void RemoveFromFaction (TESFaction *a_faction)
void RemoveOutfitItems (BGSOutfit *a_outfit)
bool RemoveSpell (SpellItem *a_spell)
std::int32_t RequestDetectionLevel (Actor *a_target, DETECTION_PRIORITY a_priority=DETECTION_PRIORITY::kNormal)
bool SetDefaultOutfit (BGSOutfit *a_outfit, bool a_update3D)
void SetHeading (float a_angle)
void SetLifeState (ACTOR_LIFE_STATE a_lifeState)
void SetLooking (float a_angle)
void SetPlayerControls (bool a_enable)
bool SetSleepOutfit (BGSOutfit *a_outfit, bool a_update3D)
void StealAlarm (TESObjectREFR *a_ref, TESForm *a_object, std::int32_t a_num, std::int32_t a_total, TESForm *a_owner, bool a_allowWarning)
void StopAlarmOnActor ()
void StopInteractingQuick (bool a_unk02)
void StopMoving (float a_delta)
void SwitchRace (TESRace *a_race, bool a_player)
void TrespassAlarm (TESObjectREFR *a_ref, TESForm *a_ownership, std::int32_t a_crime)
void UpdateArmorAbility (TESForm *a_armor, ExtraDataList *a_extraData)
void UpdateAwakeSound (NiAVObject *a_obj3D)
void Update3DModel ()
void UpdateHairColor ()
void UpdateRegenDelay (ActorValue a_actorValue, float a_regenDelay)
void UpdateSkinColor ()
void UpdateWeaponAbility (TESForm *a_weapon, ExtraDataList *a_extraData, bool a_leftHand)
void VisitArmorAddon (TESObjectARMO *a_armor, TESObjectARMA *a_arma, std::function< void(bool a_firstPerson, NiAVObject &a_obj)> a_visitor)
bool VisitFactions (std::function< bool(TESFaction *a_faction, std::int8_t a_rank)> a_visitor)
void VisitSpells (ForEachSpellVisitor &a_visitor)
std::uint8_t WhoIsCasting ()
bool WouldBeStealing (const TESObjectREFR *a_target) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESObjectREFR
 ~TESObjectREFR () override
void InitializeData () override
void ClearData () override
bool Load (TESFile *a_mod) override
TESFormCreateDuplicateForm (bool a_createEditorID, void *a_arg2) override
bool CheckSaveGame (BGSSaveFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void SaveGame (BGSSaveFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void LoadGame (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void InitLoadGame (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void FinishLoadGame (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void Revert (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void InitItemImpl () override
FormType GetSavedFormType () const override
void GetFormDetailedString (char *a_buf, std::uint32_t a_bufLen) override
bool GetRandomAnim () const override
bool IsHeadingMarker () const override
bool GetDangerous () const override
bool GetObstacle () const override
bool GetOnLocalMap () const override
bool GetMustUpdate () const override
void SetOnLocalMap (bool a_set) override
bool GetIgnoredBySandbox () const override
void SetDelete (bool a_set) override
void SetAltered (bool a_set) override
bool IsWater () const override
TESObjectREFRAsReference1 () override
const TESObjectREFRAsReference2 () const override
bool BelongsInGroup (FORM *a_form, bool a_allowParentGroups, bool a_currentOnly) override
void CreateGroupData (FORM *a_form, FORM_GROUP *a_group) override
const char * GetFormEditorID () const override
BSEventNotifyControl ProcessEvent (const BSAnimationGraphEvent *a_event, BSTEventSource< BSAnimationGraphEvent > *a_dispatcher) override
bool GetAnimationGraphManagerImpl (BSTSmartPointer< BSAnimationGraphManager > &a_out) const override
bool SetAnimationGraphManagerImpl (BSTSmartPointer< BSAnimationGraphManager > &a_in) override
bool PopulateGraphNodesToTarget (BSScrapArray< NiAVObject * > &a_nodes) override
bool ConstructAnimationGraph (BSTSmartPointer< BShkbAnimationGraph > &a_out) override
bool SetupAnimEventSinks (const BSTSmartPointer< BShkbAnimationGraph > &a_animGraph) override
void PostChangeAnimationManager (const BSTSmartPointer< BShkbAnimationGraph > &a_arg1, const BSTSmartPointer< BShkbAnimationGraph > &a_arg2) override
virtual void DamageObject (float a_objectHealth, bool a_arg3)
virtual bool GetFullLODRef () const
virtual void SetFullLODRef (bool a_set)
virtual bool QCanUpdateSync () const
virtual bool GetAllowPromoteToPersistent () const
virtual void SetActorCause (ActorCause *a_cause)
virtual ActorCauseGetActorCause () const
virtual void SetStartingPosition (const NiPoint3 &a_pos)
virtual void UpdateRefLight ()
virtual TESActorBaseGetTemplateActorBase ()
virtual void SetTemplateActorBase (TESActorBase *a_template)
virtual BSFaceGenNiNodeGetFaceNode ()
virtual bool ClampToGround ()
virtual void Release3DRelatedData ()
virtual bool ShouldBackgroundClone () const
virtual void Unk_6E (void)
virtual NiAVObjectGet3D1 (bool a_firstPerson) const
virtual NiAVObjectGet3D2 () const
virtual bool Is3rdPersonVisible () const
virtual bool InitNonNPCAnimation (NiNode &a_nodeForAnim)
virtual bool CheckAndFixSkinAndBoneOrder (NiNode &a_nodeToTest)
virtual const BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnim > & GetBiped1 (bool a_firstPerson) const
virtual const BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnim > & GetBiped2 () const
virtual const BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnim > & GetCurrentBiped () const
virtual void Unk_83 (void)
virtual void SetMovementComplete (bool a_set)
virtual NiAVObjectGetCurrent3D () const
virtual ExplosionAsExplosion ()
virtual ProjectileAsProjectile ()
virtual void Unk_94 (void)
virtual TESObjectCELLGetSaveParentCell () const
virtual BSAnimNoteReceiver * CreateAnimNoteReceiver ()
virtual BSAnimNoteReceiver * GetAnimNoteReceiver ()
virtual BGSDecalGroupGetDecalGroup () const
virtual bool Unk_A0 (NiAVObject *a_node, float &a_angleX, float &a_angleZ, NiPoint3 &a_pos) const
bool ActivateRef (TESObjectREFR *a_activator, std::uint8_t a_arg2, TESBoundObject *a_object, std::int32_t a_count, bool a_defaultProcessingOnly)
DoorTeleportDataAddTeleport ()
ModelReferenceEffectApplyArtObject (BGSArtObject *a_artObject, float a_duration=-1.0f, TESObjectREFR *a_facingRef=nullptr, bool a_faceTarget=false, bool a_attachToCamera=false, NiAVObject *a_attachNode=nullptr, bool a_interfaceEffect=false)
ShaderReferenceEffectApplyEffectShader (TESEffectShader *a_effectShader, float a_duration=-1.0f, TESObjectREFR *a_facingRef=nullptr, bool a_faceTarget=false, bool a_attachToCamera=false, NiAVObject *a_attachNode=nullptr, bool a_interfaceEffect=false)
bool CanBeMoved ()
ObjectRefHandle CreateRefHandle ()
void DoTrap (TrapData &a_data)
void DoTrap (TrapEntry *a_trap, TargetEntry *a_target)
void Enable (bool a_resetInventory)
NiAVObjectGet3D () const
NiAVObjectGet3D (bool a_firstPerson) const
TESNPCGetActorOwner ()
NiPoint3 GetAngle () const
float GetAngleX () const
float GetAngleY () const
float GetAngleZ () const
float GetBaseHeight () const
TESBoundObjectGetBaseObject ()
const TESBoundObjectGetBaseObject () const
const BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnim > & GetBiped () const
const BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnim > & GetBiped (bool a_firstPerson) const
std::uint16_t GetCalcLevel (bool a_adjustLevel) const
TESContainerGetContainer () const
BGSLocationGetCurrentLocation () const
const char * GetDisplayFullName ()
float GetDistance (TESObjectREFR *a_other, bool a_disabledRefs=false, bool a_ignoreWorldspace=false) const
InventoryDropMap GetDroppedInventory ()
InventoryDropMap GetDroppedInventory (std::function< bool(TESBoundObject &)> a_filter)
BGSEncounterZoneGetEncounterZone () const
BGSLocationGetEditorLocation () const
bool GetEditorLocation (NiPoint3 &a_outPos, NiPoint3 &a_outRot, TESForm *&a_outWorldOrCell, TESObjectCELL *a_fallback)
EnchantmentItemGetEnchantment () const
std::optional< double > GetEnchantmentCharge () const
TESFactionGetFactionOwner ()
ObjectRefHandle GetHandle ()
float GetHeadingAngle (const RE::NiPoint3 &a_pos, bool a_abs)
float GetHeight () const
InventoryItemMap GetInventory ()
InventoryItemMap GetInventory (std::function< bool(TESBoundObject &)> a_filter, bool a_noInit=false)
std::int32_t GetInventoryCount (bool no_init=false)
InventoryCountMap GetInventoryCounts ()
InventoryCountMap GetInventoryCounts (std::function< bool(TESBoundObject &)> a_filter, bool a_noInit=false)
InventoryChangesGetInventoryChanges (bool a_noInit=false)
TESObjectREFRGetLinkedRef (BGSKeyword *a_keyword)
REFR_LOCKGetLock () const
LOCK_LEVEL GetLockLevel () const
const char * GetName () const
NiAVObjectGetNodeByName (const BSFixedString &a_nodeName)
constexpr TESBoundObjectGetObjectReference () const noexcept
TESFormGetOwner () const
constexpr TESObjectCELLGetParentCell () const noexcept
constexpr NiPoint3 GetPosition () const noexcept
constexpr float GetPositionX () const noexcept
constexpr float GetPositionY () const noexcept
constexpr float GetPositionZ () const noexcept
float GetScale () const
NiControllerSequenceGetSequence (stl::zstring a_name) const
std::uint32_t GetStealValue (const InventoryEntryData *a_entryData, std::uint32_t a_numItems, bool a_useMult) const
float GetSubmergeLevel (float a_zPos, TESObjectCELL *a_cell) const
void GetTransform (NiTransform &a_transform) const
float GetWaterHeight () const
float GetWeight () const
float GetWeightInContainer ()
TESWorldSpaceGetWorldspace () const
bool HasCollision () const
bool HasContainer () const
bool HasKeyword (const BGSKeyword *a_keyword) const
bool HasKeywordInArray (const std::vector< BGSKeyword * > &a_keywords, bool a_matchAll) const
bool HasKeywordInList (BGSListForm *a_keywordList, bool a_matchAll) const
bool HasKeywordWithType (DEFAULT_OBJECT keywordType) const
bool HasQuestObject () const
void InitChildActivates (TESObjectREFR *a_actionRef)
bool InitInventoryIfRequired (bool a_ignoreContainerExtraData=false)
bool Is3DLoaded () const
bool IsActivationBlocked () const
bool IsAnimal () const
bool IsAnOwner (const Actor *a_testOwner, bool a_useFaction, bool a_requiresOwner) const
bool IsCrimeToActivate ()
bool IsDisabled () const
bool IsDragon () const
bool IsEnchanted () const
bool IsHorse () const
bool IsHumanoid () const
bool IsInitiallyDisabled () const
bool IsInWater () const
bool IsJewelry () const
bool IsLocked () const
bool IsMarkedForDeletion () const
bool IsOffLimits ()
bool IsPersistent () const
bool IsPointSubmergedMoreThan (const NiPoint3 &a_pos, TESObjectCELL *a_cell, float a_waterLevel) const
void MoveTo (TESObjectREFR *a_target)
bool MoveToNode (TESObjectREFR *a_target, const BSFixedString &a_nodeName)
bool MoveToNode (TESObjectREFR *a_target, NiAVObject *a_node)
bool NameIncludes (std::string_view a_word) const
void OpenContainer (std::int32_t a_openType) const
NiPointer< TESObjectREFRPlaceObjectAtMe (TESBoundObject *a_baseToPlace, bool a_forcePersist) const
void PlayAnimation (stl::zstring a_from, stl::zstring a_to)
void PlayAnimation (NiControllerManager *a_manager, NiControllerSequence *a_toSeq, NiControllerSequence *a_fromSeq)
void SetActivationBlocked (bool a_blocked)
void SetAngle (const NiPoint3 &a_angle)
void SetCollision (bool a_enable)
bool SetDisplayName (const BSFixedString &a_name, bool a_force)
void SetEncounterZone (BGSEncounterZone *a_zone)
bool SetMotionType (hkpMotion::MotionType a_motionType, bool a_allowActivate=true)
void SetOwner (TESForm *a_owner)
void SetPosition (float a_x, float a_y, float a_z)
void SetPosition (const NiPoint3 &a_pos)
void SetScale (float a_scale)
void SetTemporary ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESForm
 ~TESForm () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
virtual bool LoadPartial (TESFile *a_mod)
virtual bool LoadEdit (TESFile *a_mod)
virtual bool AddChange (std::uint32_t a_changeFlags)
virtual void RemoveChange (std::uint32_t a_changeFlags)
virtual bool FindInFileFast (TESFile *a_mod)
virtual TESFileGetDescriptionOwnerFile () const
virtual bool GetKnown () const
virtual bool GetPlayable () const
virtual bool QHasCurrents () const
virtual bool QIsLODLandObject () const
virtual void SaveObjectBound ()
virtual void LoadObjectBound (TESFile *a_mod)
virtual bool IsBoundObject () const
virtual bool IsObject () const
virtual bool IsMagicItem () const
virtual std::uint32_t GetRefCount () const
virtual const char * GetTextForParsedSubTag (const BSFixedString &a_tag) const
virtual void Copy (TESForm *a_srcForm)
virtual bool SetFormEditorID (const char *a_str)
virtual bool IsParentForm ()
virtual bool IsParentFormTree ()
virtual bool IsFormTypeChild (FormType a_type)
virtual bool Activate (TESObjectREFR *a_targetRef, TESObjectREFR *a_activatorRef, std::uint8_t a_arg3, TESBoundObject *a_object, std::int32_t a_targetCount)
virtual void SetFormID (FormID a_id, bool a_updateFile)
virtual const char * GetObjectTypeName () const
virtual bool QAvailableInGame () const
template<class T , class = std::enable_if_t< std::negation_v< std::disjunction< std::is_pointer<T>, std::is_reference<T>, std::is_const<T>, std::is_volatile<T>>>>>
T * As () noexcept
template<class T , class = std::enable_if_t< std::negation_v< std::disjunction< std::is_pointer<T>, std::is_reference<T>, std::is_const<T>, std::is_volatile<T>>>>>
const T * As () const noexcept
TESObjectREFRAsReference ()
const TESObjectREFRAsReference () const
TESFileGetFile (std::int32_t a_idx=-1) const
std::uint32_t GetFormFlags () const noexcept
FormID GetFormID () const noexcept
FormType GetFormType () const noexcept
std::int32_t GetGoldValue () const
FormID GetLocalFormID ()
const char * GetName () const
float GetWeight () const
bool HasKeywordInArray (const std::vector< BGSKeyword * > &a_keywords, bool a_matchAll) const
bool HasAnyKeywordByEditorID (const std::vector< std::string > &editorIDs) const
bool HasKeywordByEditorID (std::string_view a_editorID)
bool HasKeywordInList (BGSListForm *a_keywordList, bool a_matchAll) const
bool HasVMAD () const
bool HasWorldModel () const noexcept
void InitItem ()
bool Is (FormType a_type) const noexcept
template<class... Args>
requires (std::same_as<Args, FormType> && ...)
bool Is (Args... a_args) const noexcept
bool IsAmmo () const noexcept
bool IsArmor () const noexcept
bool IsBook () const noexcept
bool IsDeleted () const noexcept
bool IsDynamicForm () const noexcept
bool IsGold () const noexcept
bool IsIgnored () const noexcept
bool IsInventoryObject () const
bool IsInitialized () const noexcept
bool IsKey () const noexcept
bool IsLockpick () const noexcept
bool IsNot (FormType a_type) const noexcept
template<class... Args>
requires (std::same_as<Args, FormType> && ...)
bool IsNot (Args... a_args) const noexcept
bool IsNote () const noexcept
bool IsPlayer () const noexcept
bool IsPlayerRef () const noexcept
bool IsSkooma () const noexcept
bool IsSoulGem () const noexcept
bool IsWeapon () const noexcept
void SetFile (TESFile *a_file)
void SetPlayerKnows (bool a_known)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BaseFormComponent
virtual ~BaseFormComponent ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSHandleRefObject
 ~BSHandleRefObject () override
void DecRefCount ()
void IncRefCount ()
bool IsHandleValid () const
std::uint32_t QRefCount () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::NiRefObject
 NiRefObject ()
virtual ~NiRefObject ()
virtual void DeleteThis ()
void IncRefCount ()
void DecRefCount ()
constexpr std::uint32_t GetRefCount () const noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSink< BSAnimationGraphEvent >
virtual ~BSTEventSink ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::IAnimationGraphManagerHolder
virtual ~IAnimationGraphManagerHolder ()
virtual bool NotifyAnimationGraph (const BSFixedString &a_eventName)
virtual void Unk_06 (void)
virtual void Unk_07 (void)
virtual void Unk_09 (void)
virtual bool CreateAnimationChannels (BSScrapArray< BSTSmartPointer< BSAnimationGraphChannel > > &animGraphChannels)
virtual void PostCreateAnimationGraphManager (BSTSmartPointer< BSAnimationGraphManager > &a_animGraphMgr)
virtual void Unk_0C (void)
virtual void Unk_0E (void)
virtual std::uint32_t GetGraphVariableCacheSize () const
virtual bool GetGraphVariableImpl1 (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, float &a_out) const
virtual bool GetGraphVariableImpl2 (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, std::int32_t &a_out) const
virtual bool GetGraphVariableImpl3 (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, bool &a_out) const
bool GetAnimationGraphManager (BSTSmartPointer< BSAnimationGraphManager > &a_out) const
bool GetGraphVariableFloat (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, float &a_out) const
bool GetGraphVariableInt (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, std::int32_t &a_out) const
bool GetGraphVariableBool (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, bool &a_out) const
bool GetGraphVariableNiPoint3 (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, NiPoint3 &a_out) const
bool SetAnimationGraphManager (BSTSmartPointer< BSAnimationGraphManager > &a_in)
bool SetGraphVariableBool (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, bool a_in)
bool SetGraphVariableInt (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, std::int32_t a_in)
bool SetGraphVariableFloat (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, float a_in)
bool SetGraphVariableNiPoint3 (const BSFixedString &a_variableName, NiPoint3 &a_in) const
bool UpdateAnimationGraphManager (const BSAnimationUpdateData &a_updateData)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::MagicTarget
virtual ~MagicTarget ()
virtual bool AddTarget (AddTargetData &a_targetData)
virtual bool IsInvulnerable ()
virtual void InvalidateCommandedActorEffect (ActiveEffect *a_effect)
virtual bool CanAddActiveEffect ()=0
virtual void EffectAdded (ActiveEffect *a_effect)
virtual void EffectRemoved (ActiveEffect *a_effect)
virtual float CheckResistance (MagicItem *a_magicItem, Effect *a_effect, TESBoundObject *a_object)
virtual bool CheckAbsorb (Actor *a_actor, MagicItem *a_magicItem, const Effect *a_effect)
bool DispelEffect (MagicItem *a_spell, BSPointerHandle< Actor > &a_caster, ActiveEffect *a_effect=nullptr)
void DispelEffectsWithArchetype (Archetype a_type, bool a_force)
ActorGetTargetAsActor ()
bool HasEffectWithArchetype (Archetype a_type)
bool HasMagicEffect (EffectSetting *a_effect)
bool HasMagicEffectWithKeyword (BGSKeyword *a_keyword, std::uint64_t a_arg2)
void VisitEffects (ForEachActiveEffectVisitor &visitor)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::ActorValueOwner
virtual ~ActorValueOwner ()
virtual float GetActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue)
virtual float GetPermanentActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue)
virtual float GetBaseActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue)
virtual void SetBaseActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue, float a_value)
virtual void ModActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue, float a_value)
virtual void RestoreActorValue (ACTOR_VALUE_MODIFIER a_modifier, ActorValue a_akValue, float a_value)
virtual void SetActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue, float a_value)
virtual bool GetIsPlayerOwner () const
float GetArmorRatingSkillMultiplier (float a_skillLevel) const
float GetClampedActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::ActorState
 ~ActorState () override
void Unk_01 (void) override
void Unk_02 (void) override
void Unk_03 (void) override
void Unk_04 (void) override
float DoGetMovementSpeed () override
float DoGetRotationSpeed () override
void Unk_07 (void) override
void Unk_08 (void) override
virtual bool DoSetSitSleepState (SIT_SLEEP_STATE a_state)
virtual void Unk_15 (void)
ATTACK_STATE_ENUM GetAttackState () const noexcept
FLY_STATE GetFlyState () const noexcept
KNOCK_STATE_ENUM GetKnockState () const noexcept
ACTOR_LIFE_STATE GetLifeState () const noexcept
SIT_SLEEP_STATE GetSitSleepState () const noexcept
WEAPON_STATE GetWeaponState () const noexcept
bool IsBleedingOut () const noexcept
bool IsFlying () const noexcept
bool IsReanimated () const noexcept
bool IsSitting () const noexcept
bool IsSneaking () const noexcept
bool IsSprinting () const noexcept
bool IsSwimming () const noexcept
bool IsUnconscious () const noexcept
bool IsWalking () const noexcept
bool IsWeaponDrawn () const noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::IMovementState
 ~IMovementState () override
virtual void DoGetMovementRotation (NiPoint3 &a_rotation)=0
virtual void Unk_0A (void)=0
virtual void Unk_0B (void)=0
virtual void Unk_0C (void)=0
virtual void Unk_0D (void)=0
virtual void Unk_0E (void)=0
virtual void Unk_0F (void)=0
virtual void Unk_10 (void)=0
virtual void Unk_11 (void)=0
virtual void Unk_12 (void)=0
virtual void Unk_13 (void)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::IMovementInterface
virtual ~IMovementInterface ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSink< BSTransformDeltaEvent >
virtual ~BSTEventSink ()=default
virtual BSEventNotifyControl ProcessEvent (const BSTransformDeltaEvent *a_event, BSTEventSource< BSTransformDeltaEvent > *a_eventSource)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSink< bhkCharacterMoveFinishEvent >
virtual ~BSTEventSink ()=default
virtual BSEventNotifyControl ProcessEvent (const bhkCharacterMoveFinishEvent *a_event, BSTEventSource< bhkCharacterMoveFinishEvent > *a_eventSource)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::IPostAnimationChannelUpdateFunctor
virtual ~IPostAnimationChannelUpdateFunctor ()
virtual void Unk_01 (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSource< BGSActorCellEvent >
 BSTEventSource ()
void AddEventSink (Sink *a_eventSink)
void AddEventSink (BSTEventSink< SinkEvent > *a_sink)
void PrependEventSink (Sink *a_eventSink)
void PrependEventSink (BSTEventSink< SinkEvent > *a_sink)
void RemoveEventSink (Sink *a_eventSink)
void SendEvent (const BGSActorCellEvent *a_event)
void operator() (const BGSActorCellEvent *a_event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSource< BGSActorDeathEvent >
 BSTEventSource ()
void AddEventSink (Sink *a_eventSink)
void AddEventSink (BSTEventSink< SinkEvent > *a_sink)
void PrependEventSink (Sink *a_eventSink)
void PrependEventSink (BSTEventSink< SinkEvent > *a_sink)
void RemoveEventSink (Sink *a_eventSink)
void SendEvent (const BGSActorDeathEvent *a_event)
void operator() (const BGSActorDeathEvent *a_event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSource< PositionPlayerEvent >
 BSTEventSource ()
void AddEventSink (Sink *a_eventSink)
void AddEventSink (BSTEventSink< SinkEvent > *a_sink)
void PrependEventSink (Sink *a_eventSink)
void PrependEventSink (BSTEventSink< SinkEvent > *a_sink)
void RemoveEventSink (Sink *a_eventSink)
void SendEvent (const PositionPlayerEvent *a_event)
void operator() (const PositionPlayerEvent *a_event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSink< MenuOpenCloseEvent >
virtual ~BSTEventSink ()=default
virtual BSEventNotifyControl ProcessEvent (const MenuOpenCloseEvent *a_event, BSTEventSource< MenuOpenCloseEvent > *a_eventSource)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSink< MenuModeChangeEvent >
virtual ~BSTEventSink ()=default
virtual BSEventNotifyControl ProcessEvent (const MenuModeChangeEvent *a_event, BSTEventSource< MenuModeChangeEvent > *a_eventSource)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSink< UserEventEnabledEvent >
virtual ~BSTEventSink ()=default
virtual BSEventNotifyControl ProcessEvent (const UserEventEnabledEvent *a_event, BSTEventSource< UserEventEnabledEvent > *a_eventSource)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BSTEventSink< TESTrackedStatsEvent >
virtual ~BSTEventSink ()=default
virtual BSEventNotifyControl ProcessEvent (const TESTrackedStatsEvent *a_event, BSTEventSource< TESTrackedStatsEvent > *a_eventSource)=0

Static Public Member Functions

static PlayerCharacterGetSingleton ()
static bool IsGodMode ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RE::Actor
static NiPointer< ActorLookupByHandle (RefHandle a_refHandle)
static bool LookupByHandle (RefHandle a_refHandle, NiPointer< Actor > &a_refrOut)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESObjectREFR
static ObjectRefHandle CreateReference (ObjectRefHandle &a_handleOut, FormType a_formType, bool a_addActorToProcessList)
static NiPointer< TESObjectREFRLookupByHandle (RefHandle a_refHandle)
static bool LookupByHandle (RefHandle a_refHandle, NiPointer< TESObjectREFR > &a_refrOut)
static TESObjectREFRFindReferenceFor3D (NiAVObject *a_object3D)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESForm
static void AddCompileIndex (FormID &a_id, TESFile *a_file)
static auto GetAllForms () -> std::pair< BSTHashMap< FormID, TESForm * > *, std::reference_wrapper< BSReadWriteLock > >
static auto GetAllFormsByEditorID () -> std::pair< BSTHashMap< BSFixedString, TESForm * > *, std::reference_wrapper< BSReadWriteLock > >
static TESFormLookupByID (FormID a_formID)
template<class T >
static T * LookupByID (FormID a_formID)
static TESFormLookupByEditorID (const std::string_view &a_editorID)
template<class T >
static T * LookupByEditorID (const std::string_view &a_editorID)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RE::NiRefObject
static volatile std::uint32_t * GetTotalObjectCount ()

Public Attributes

BSSpinLock questTargetsLock
BSTHashMap< const TESFaction *, CrimeGoldStructcrimeGoldMap
BSTHashMap< const TESFaction *, StolenItemValueStructstolenItemValueMap
ObjectRefHandle commandWaitMarker
std::uint32_t pad444
BSTHashMap< const TESFaction *, FriendshipFactionsStructfactionOwnerFriendsMap
NiPoint3 lastKnownGoodPosition
NiPoint3 bulletAutoAim
NiPoint3 cachedVelocity
std::uint32_t pad49C
BSTArray< PerkRankData * > addedPerks
BSTArray< BGSPerk * > perks
BSTArray< BGSPerk * > standingStonePerks
BSTArray< ObjectRefHandlecurrentMapMarkers
BSTArray< BSTTuple< NiPoint3, AITimeStamp > > velocityArray
BSTArray< ProjectileHandlerunesCast
BSTArray< void * > imageSpaceModifierAnims1
BSTArray< void * > imageSpaceModifierAnims2
BSSimpleList< TESQuestStageItem * > questLog
BSTArray< BGSInstancedQuestObjectiveobjectives
BSTHashMap< TESQuest *, BSTArray< TESQuestTarget * > * > questTargets
BSTHashMap< UnkKey, UnkValuecurrentSayOnceInfosMap
BSSimpleList< ObjectRefHandledroppedRefList
NiTMap< std::uint32_t, std::uint8_t > randomDoorSpaceMap
NiPoint3 exteriorPosition
std::uint32_t pad63C
BSSoundHandle unusedSound
BSSoundHandle magicFailureSound
BSSoundHandle shoutFailureSound
std::uint32_t pad6AC
std::uint32_t unk6B8
std::uint32_t unk6BC
std::int32_t numberofStealWarnings
float stealWarningTimer
std::int32_t numberofPickpocketWarnings
float pickPocketWarningTimer
AITimeStamp warnToLeaveTimeStamp
std::uint32_t pad6DC
float dynamicDOFFocusTime
bool dynamicDOFFocused
std::uint8_t unk6FD
std::uint16_t unk6FE
NiPoint3 dynamicDOFLastAngle
NiPoint3 dynamicDOFLastPosition
std::int32_t jailSentence
std::uint32_t pad724
void * unk728
QueuedWeapon queuedWeaponAttachs [WEAPON_TYPE::kTotal]
std::int32_t vampireFeedDetection
std::uint32_t mapMarkerIterator
RefHandle forceActivateRef
PlayerActionObject playerActionObjects [15]
PLAYER_ACTION mostRecentAction
ActorHandle actorDoingPlayerCommand
BSTSmallArray< hkRefPtr< bhkMouseSpringAction >, 4 > grabSpring
ObjectRefHandle grabbedObject
float grabObjectWeight
float grabDistance
float unk8D4
std::uint64_t unk8D8
std::uint32_t unk8E0
std::uint32_t sleepSeconds
BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnimlargeBiped
NiPointer< NiNodefirstPerson3D
float eyeHeight
float greetTimer
float encumberedTimer
float powerAttackTimer
std::int32_t hoursToSleep
std::int32_t amountStolenSold
std::uint32_t valueStolen
ActorHandle lastRiddenMount
ActorHandle lightTarget
float sortActorDistanceTimer
float sitHeadingDelta
ObjectRefHandle playerMapMarker
std::uint32_t skillTrainingsThisLevel
std::uint32_t unk934
std::uint64_t unk940
std::uint32_t crimeCounts [PackageNS::CRIME_TYPES::kTotal]
std::uint32_t unk964
std::int64_t lastPlayingTimeUpdate
std::int64_t totalPlayingTime
std::int32_t characterSeed
std::uint32_t unk984
std::uint32_t unk990
std::uint32_t unk994
NiPointer< BSLightfirstPersonLight
NiPointer< BSLightthirdPersonLight
float dropAngleMod
float lastDropAngleMod
ActorHandle autoAimActor
RefHandle unk9BC
std::uint64_t unk9C0
NiPointer< NiAVObjecttargeted3D
BSTArray< ActorHandleactorsToDisplayOnTheHUDArray
TESBoundObjectlastOneHandItems [2]
std::uint32_t teammateCount
float combatTimer
float yieldTimer
float chaseTimer
float drawSheatheSafetyTimer
std::uint32_t unkA1C
std::uint8_t unkA20 [0xA0]
std::uint32_t unkAC0
std::uint32_t unkAC4
AITimeStamp cachedVelocityTimeStamp
float telekinesisDistance
float commandTimer
float sunGazeTimer
ActorValue advanceSkill
std::uint32_t advanceAction
REX::EnumSet< DEFAULT_OBJECT, std::int32_t > animationObjectAction
REX::EnumSet< GrabbingType, std::uint32_t > grabType
std::int32_t difficulty
ActorHandle assumedIdentity
std::int8_t murder
std::int8_t perkCount
REX::EnumSet< ByCharGenFlag, std::uint8_t > byCharGenFlag
std::uint8_t padB03
std::uint32_t unkB04
BSTArray< TintMask * > tintMasks
BSTArray< TintMask * > * overlayTintMasks
std::int32_t unkB48
std::uint32_t padB4C
BSTArray< std::uint64_t > unkB50
std::uint64_t unkB68
std::uint64_t unkB70
std::uint64_t unkB78
std::uint64_t unkB80
std::int32_t unkB88
std::uint32_t padB8C
std::uint64_t unkB90
BSTSmallArray< void *, 4 > unkBA0
PlayerFlags playerFlags
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::Actor
REX::EnumSet< BOOL_BITS, std::uint32_t > boolBits
float updateTargetTimer
REX::EnumSet< ACTOR_CRITICAL_STAGE, std::uint32_t > criticalStage
std::uint32_t pad0EC
ObjectRefHandle dialogueItemTarget
ActorHandle currentCombatTarget
ActorHandle myKiller
float checkMyDeadBodyTimer
float voiceTimer
float underWaterTimer
std::int32_t thiefCrimeStamp
std::int32_t actionValue
float timerOnAction
std::uint32_t unk11C
NiPoint3 editorLocCoord
float editorLocRot
BSTSmartPointer< MovementControllerNPCmovementController
AITimeStamp calculateVendorFactionTimer
EmotionType emotionType
std::uint32_t emotionValue
std::uint32_t unk174
std::uint32_t unk178
std::uint32_t intimidateBribeDayStamp
std::uint64_t unk180
BSTSmallArray< SpellItem * > addedSpells
ActorMagicCastermagicCasters [SlotTypes::kTotal]
MagicItemselectedSpells [SlotTypes::kTotal]
std::uint32_t unk1E8
std::uint32_t pad1EC
float equippedWeight
REX::EnumSet< BOOL_FLAGS, std::uint32_t > boolFlags
ActorValueStorage avStorage
Modifiers healthModifiers
Modifiers magickaModifiers
Modifiers staminaModifiers
Modifiers voicePointsModifiers
float lastUpdate
std::uint32_t lastSeenTime
BSTSmartPointer< BipedAnimbiped
float armorRating
float armorBaseFactorSum
std::int8_t soundCallBackSet
std::uint8_t unk271
std::uint8_t unk272
std::uint8_t unk273
std::uint32_t unk274
std::uint64_t unk278
std::uint64_t unk280
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESObjectREFR
ExtraDataList extraList
std::uint64_t unk88
std::uint16_t refScale
std::int8_t modelState
bool preDestroyed
std::uint32_t pad94
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESForm
TESFileContainer sourceFiles
std::uint32_t formFlags
FormID formID
REX::EnumSet< InGameFormFlag, std::uint16_t > inGameFormFlags
REX::EnumSet< FormType, std::uint8_t > formType
std::uint8_t pad1B
std::uint32_t pad1C
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::NiRefObject
volatile std::uint32_t _refCount { 0 }
std::uint32_t _pad0C { 0 }
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::MagicTarget
std::uint8_t flags
std::uint8_t pad11
std::uint16_t pad12
std::uint32_t pad14
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::ActorState
ActorState1 actorState1
ActorState2 actorState2
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::BSTEventSource< BGSActorCellEvent >
BSTArray< Sink * > sinks
BSTArray< Sink * > pendingRegisters
BSTArray< Sink * > pendingUnregisters
BSSpinLock lock
bool notifying
std::uint8_t pad51
std::uint16_t pad52
std::uint32_t pad54
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::BSTEventSource< BGSActorDeathEvent >
BSTArray< Sink * > sinks
BSTArray< Sink * > pendingRegisters
BSTArray< Sink * > pendingUnregisters
BSSpinLock lock
bool notifying
std::uint8_t pad51
std::uint16_t pad52
std::uint32_t pad54
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::BSTEventSource< PositionPlayerEvent >
BSTArray< Sink * > sinks
BSTArray< Sink * > pendingRegisters
BSTArray< Sink * > pendingUnregisters
BSSpinLock lock
bool notifying
std::uint8_t pad51
std::uint16_t pad52
std::uint32_t pad54

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_PlayerCharacter
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_PlayerCharacter
static constexpr auto FORMTYPE = FormType::ActorCharacter
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::Character
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_Character
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_Character
static constexpr auto FORMTYPE = FormType::ActorCharacter
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::Actor
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_Actor
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_Actor
static constexpr auto FORMTYPE = FormType::ActorCharacter
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESObjectREFR
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESObjectREFR
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESObjectREFR
static constexpr auto FORMTYPE = FormType::Reference
static constexpr auto DEFAULT_INVENTORY_FILTER = [](TESBoundObject&) { return true; }
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESForm
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESForm
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESForm
static constexpr auto FORMTYPE = FormType::None
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::BaseFormComponent
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_BaseFormComponent
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_BaseFormComponent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::BSHandleRefObject
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_BSHandleRefObject
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_BSHandleRefObject
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::NiRefObject
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_NiRefObject
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_NiRefObject
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::IAnimationGraphManagerHolder
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_IAnimationGraphManagerHolder
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_IAnimationGraphManagerHolder
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::MagicTarget
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_MagicTarget
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_MagicTarget
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::ActorValueOwner
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_ActorValueOwner
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_ActorValueOwner
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::ActorState
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_ActorState
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_ActorState
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::IMovementState
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_IMovementState
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_IMovementState
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::IMovementInterface
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_IMovementInterface
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_IMovementInterface
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::IPostAnimationChannelUpdateFunctor
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_IPostAnimationChannelUpdateFunctor
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_IPostAnimationChannelUpdateFunctor

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ByCharGenFlag


◆ EventType

enum class RE::PlayerCharacter::EventType

◆ GrabbingType


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~PlayerCharacter()

RE::PlayerCharacter::~PlayerCharacter ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActivatePickRef()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::ActivatePickRef ( )

◆ AddEventSink()

template<class T >
void RE::PlayerCharacter::AddEventSink ( BSTEventSink< T > *  a_sink)

◆ AddPlayerAddItemEvent()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::AddPlayerAddItemEvent ( TESObject a_object,
TESForm a_owner,
TESObjectREFR a_container,
AQUIRE_TYPE  a_type 

◆ AddSkillExperience()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::AddSkillExperience ( ActorValue  a_skill,
float  a_experience 

◆ AttemptPickpocket()

bool RE::PlayerCharacter::AttemptPickpocket ( TESObjectREFR a_containerRef,
InventoryEntryData a_entry,
std::int32_t  a_number,
bool  a_fromContainer = true 

◆ CenterOnCell() [1/2]

bool RE::PlayerCharacter::CenterOnCell ( const char *  a_cellName)

◆ CenterOnCell() [2/2]

bool RE::PlayerCharacter::CenterOnCell ( TESObjectCELL a_cell)

◆ CheckCast()

bool RE::PlayerCharacter::CheckCast ( MagicItem a_spell,
Effect a_effect,
MagicSystem::CannotCastReason a_reason 

◆ ClearAllCrimeGold()

virtual void RE::PlayerCharacter::ClearAllCrimeGold ( TESFaction a_faction)

◆ DestroyMouseSprings()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::DestroyMouseSprings ( )

◆ EndGrabObject()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::EndGrabObject ( )

◆ GetActorDoingPlayerCommand()

NiPointer< Actor > RE::PlayerCharacter::GetActorDoingPlayerCommand ( ) const

◆ GetArmorValue()

float RE::PlayerCharacter::GetArmorValue ( InventoryEntryData a_form)

◆ GetDamage()

float RE::PlayerCharacter::GetDamage ( InventoryEntryData a_form)

◆ GetEventSource()

template<class T >
BSTEventSource< T > * RE::PlayerCharacter::GetEventSource ( )

◆ GetGrabbedRef()

NiPointer< TESObjectREFR > RE::PlayerCharacter::GetGrabbedRef ( )

◆ GetItemCount()

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::GetItemCount ( TESBoundObject a_object)

◆ GetNonViolentCrimeGoldValue()

virtual std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::GetNonViolentCrimeGoldValue ( const TESFaction a_faction) const

◆ GetNumTints()

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::GetNumTints ( std::uint32_t  a_tintType)

◆ GetOverlayTintMask()

TintMask * RE::PlayerCharacter::GetOverlayTintMask ( TintMask *  a_original)

◆ GetSingleton()

static PlayerCharacter * RE::PlayerCharacter::GetSingleton ( )

◆ GetTintList()

BSTArray< TintMask * > & RE::PlayerCharacter::GetTintList ( )

◆ GetTintMask()

TintMask * RE::PlayerCharacter::GetTintMask ( std::uint32_t  a_tintType,
std::uint32_t  a_index 

◆ GetViolentCrimeGoldValue()

virtual std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::GetViolentCrimeGoldValue ( const TESFaction a_faction) const

◆ HasActorDoingCommand()

bool RE::PlayerCharacter::HasActorDoingCommand ( ) const

◆ IsGodMode()

static bool RE::PlayerCharacter::IsGodMode ( )

◆ IsGrabbing()

bool RE::PlayerCharacter::IsGrabbing ( ) const

◆ PlayMagicFailureSound()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::PlayMagicFailureSound ( MagicSystem::SpellType  a_spellType)

◆ PlayPickupEvent()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::PlayPickupEvent ( TESForm a_item,
TESForm a_containerOwner,
TESObjectREFR a_containerRef,
EventType  a_eventType 

◆ RemoveWeapon()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::RemoveWeapon ( BIPED_OBJECT  equipIndex)

Reimplemented from RE::Actor.

◆ SetAIDriven()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::SetAIDriven ( bool  a_enable)

◆ SetEscaping()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::SetEscaping ( bool  a_flag,
bool  a_escaped 

◆ StartGrabObject()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::StartGrabObject ( )

◆ Unk_12A()

virtual void RE::PlayerCharacter::Unk_12A ( void  )

◆ Unk_12E()

virtual void RE::PlayerCharacter::Unk_12E ( void  )

◆ UpdateCrosshairs()

void RE::PlayerCharacter::UpdateCrosshairs ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ actorDoingPlayerCommand

ActorHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::actorDoingPlayerCommand

◆ actorsToDisplayOnTheHUDArray

BSTArray<ActorHandle> RE::PlayerCharacter::actorsToDisplayOnTheHUDArray

◆ addedPerks

BSTArray<PerkRankData*> RE::PlayerCharacter::addedPerks

◆ advanceAction

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::advanceAction

◆ advanceObject

TESForm* RE::PlayerCharacter::advanceObject

◆ advanceSkill

ActorValue RE::PlayerCharacter::advanceSkill

◆ aiConversationRunning

DialoguePackage* RE::PlayerCharacter::aiConversationRunning

◆ amountStolenSold

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::amountStolenSold

◆ animationObjectAction

REX::EnumSet<DEFAULT_OBJECT, std::int32_t> RE::PlayerCharacter::animationObjectAction

◆ assumedIdentity

ActorHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::assumedIdentity

◆ autoAimActor

ActorHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::autoAimActor

◆ bulletAutoAim

NiPoint3 RE::PlayerCharacter::bulletAutoAim

◆ byCharGenFlag

REX::EnumSet<ByCharGenFlag, std::uint8_t> RE::PlayerCharacter::byCharGenFlag

◆ cachedVelocity

NiPoint3 RE::PlayerCharacter::cachedVelocity

◆ cachedVelocityTimeStamp

AITimeStamp RE::PlayerCharacter::cachedVelocityTimeStamp

◆ cachedWorldSpace

TESWorldSpace* RE::PlayerCharacter::cachedWorldSpace

◆ characterSeed

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::characterSeed

◆ charGenRace

TESRace* RE::PlayerCharacter::charGenRace

◆ chaseTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::chaseTimer

◆ closestConversation

DialoguePackage* RE::PlayerCharacter::closestConversation

◆ combatGroup

CombatGroup* RE::PlayerCharacter::combatGroup

◆ combatTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::combatTimer

◆ commandTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::commandTimer

◆ commandWaitMarker

ObjectRefHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::commandWaitMarker

◆ complexion

BGSTextureSet* RE::PlayerCharacter::complexion

◆ crimeCounts

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::crimeCounts[PackageNS::CRIME_TYPES::kTotal]

◆ crimeGoldMap

BSTHashMap<const TESFaction*, CrimeGoldStruct> RE::PlayerCharacter::crimeGoldMap

◆ currentLocation

BGSLocation* RE::PlayerCharacter::currentLocation

◆ currentMapMarkers

BSTArray<ObjectRefHandle> RE::PlayerCharacter::currentMapMarkers

◆ currentPrisonFaction

TESFaction* RE::PlayerCharacter::currentPrisonFaction

◆ currentSayOnceInfosMap

BSTHashMap<UnkKey, UnkValue> RE::PlayerCharacter::currentSayOnceInfosMap

◆ defaultClass

TESClass* RE::PlayerCharacter::defaultClass

◆ difficulty

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::difficulty

◆ drawSheatheSafetyTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::drawSheatheSafetyTimer

◆ dropAngleMod

float RE::PlayerCharacter::dropAngleMod

◆ droppedRefList

BSSimpleList<ObjectRefHandle> RE::PlayerCharacter::droppedRefList

◆ dynamicDOFFocused

bool RE::PlayerCharacter::dynamicDOFFocused

◆ dynamicDOFFocusTime

float RE::PlayerCharacter::dynamicDOFFocusTime

◆ dynamicDOFInstance

ImageSpaceModifierInstanceDOF* RE::PlayerCharacter::dynamicDOFInstance

◆ dynamicDOFLastAngle

NiPoint3 RE::PlayerCharacter::dynamicDOFLastAngle

◆ dynamicDOFLastPosition

NiPoint3 RE::PlayerCharacter::dynamicDOFLastPosition

◆ encumberedTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::encumberedTimer

◆ exteriorPosition

NiPoint3 RE::PlayerCharacter::exteriorPosition

◆ eyeHeight

float RE::PlayerCharacter::eyeHeight

◆ factionOwnerFriendsMap

BSTHashMap<const TESFaction*, FriendshipFactionsStruct> RE::PlayerCharacter::factionOwnerFriendsMap

◆ firstPerson3D

NiPointer<NiNode> RE::PlayerCharacter::firstPerson3D

◆ firstPersonLight

NiPointer<BSLight> RE::PlayerCharacter::firstPersonLight

◆ forceActivateRef

RefHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::forceActivateRef


constexpr auto RE::PlayerCharacter::FORMTYPE = FormType::ActorCharacter

◆ grabbedObject

ObjectRefHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::grabbedObject

◆ grabDistance

float RE::PlayerCharacter::grabDistance

◆ grabObjectWeight

float RE::PlayerCharacter::grabObjectWeight

◆ grabSpring

BSTSmallArray<hkRefPtr<bhkMouseSpringAction>, 4> RE::PlayerCharacter::grabSpring

◆ grabType

REX::EnumSet<GrabbingType, std::uint32_t> RE::PlayerCharacter::grabType

◆ greetTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::greetTimer

◆ hoursToSleep

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::hoursToSleep

◆ imageSpaceModifierAnims1

BSTArray<void*> RE::PlayerCharacter::imageSpaceModifierAnims1

◆ imageSpaceModifierAnims2

BSTArray<void*> RE::PlayerCharacter::imageSpaceModifierAnims2

◆ ironsightsDOFInstance

ImageSpaceModifierInstanceDOF* RE::PlayerCharacter::ironsightsDOFInstance

◆ jailSentence

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::jailSentence

◆ largeBiped

BSTSmartPointer<BipedAnim> RE::PlayerCharacter::largeBiped

◆ lastDropAngleMod

float RE::PlayerCharacter::lastDropAngleMod

◆ lastKnownGoodLocation

TESForm* RE::PlayerCharacter::lastKnownGoodLocation

◆ lastKnownGoodPosition

NiPoint3 RE::PlayerCharacter::lastKnownGoodPosition

◆ lastOneHandItems

TESBoundObject* RE::PlayerCharacter::lastOneHandItems[2]

◆ lastPlayingTimeUpdate

std::int64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::lastPlayingTimeUpdate

◆ lastRiddenMount

ActorHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::lastRiddenMount

◆ lightTarget

ActorHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::lightTarget

◆ magicFailureSound

BSSoundHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::magicFailureSound

◆ mapMarkerIterator

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::mapMarkerIterator

◆ mostRecentAction

PLAYER_ACTION RE::PlayerCharacter::mostRecentAction

◆ murder

std::int8_t RE::PlayerCharacter::murder

◆ numberofPickpocketWarnings

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::numberofPickpocketWarnings

◆ numberofStealWarnings

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::numberofStealWarnings

◆ objectives

BSTArray<BGSInstancedQuestObjective> RE::PlayerCharacter::objectives

◆ overlayTintMasks

BSTArray<TintMask*>* RE::PlayerCharacter::overlayTintMasks

◆ pad444

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::pad444

◆ pad49C

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::pad49C

◆ pad63C

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::pad63C

◆ pad6AC

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::pad6AC

◆ pad6DC

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::pad6DC

◆ pad724

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::pad724

◆ padB03

std::uint8_t RE::PlayerCharacter::padB03

◆ padB4C

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::padB4C

◆ padB8C

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::padB8C

◆ pendingPoison

AlchemyItem* RE::PlayerCharacter::pendingPoison

◆ perkCount

std::int8_t RE::PlayerCharacter::perkCount

◆ perks

BSTArray<BGSPerk*> RE::PlayerCharacter::perks

◆ pickPocketWarningTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::pickPocketWarningTimer

◆ playerActionObjects

PlayerActionObject RE::PlayerCharacter::playerActionObjects[15]

◆ playerFlags

PlayerFlags RE::PlayerCharacter::playerFlags

◆ playerMapMarker

ObjectRefHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::playerMapMarker

◆ playerMarkerPath

TeleportPath* RE::PlayerCharacter::playerMarkerPath

◆ powerAttackTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::powerAttackTimer

◆ preTransformationData

PreTransformationData* RE::PlayerCharacter::preTransformationData

◆ questLog

BSSimpleList<TESQuestStageItem*> RE::PlayerCharacter::questLog

◆ questTargets

BSTHashMap<TESQuest*, BSTArray<TESQuestTarget*>*> RE::PlayerCharacter::questTargets

◆ questTargetsLock

BSSpinLock RE::PlayerCharacter::questTargetsLock

◆ queuedTargetLoc

PLAYER_TARGET_LOC RE::PlayerCharacter::queuedTargetLoc

◆ queuedWeaponAttachs

QueuedWeapon RE::PlayerCharacter::queuedWeaponAttachs[WEAPON_TYPE::kTotal]

◆ race2

TESRace* RE::PlayerCharacter::race2

◆ randomDoorSpaceMap

NiTMap<std::uint32_t, std::uint8_t> RE::PlayerCharacter::randomDoorSpaceMap

◆ resistArrestCrime

Crime* RE::PlayerCharacter::resistArrestCrime


constexpr auto RE::PlayerCharacter::RTTI = RTTI_PlayerCharacter

◆ runesCast

BSTArray<ProjectileHandle> RE::PlayerCharacter::runesCast

◆ shoutFailureSound

BSSoundHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::shoutFailureSound

◆ sitHeadingDelta

float RE::PlayerCharacter::sitHeadingDelta

◆ skills

PlayerSkills* RE::PlayerCharacter::skills

◆ skillTrainingsThisLevel

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::skillTrainingsThisLevel

◆ sleepSeconds

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::sleepSeconds

◆ sortActorDistanceTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::sortActorDistanceTimer

◆ standingStonePerks

BSTArray<BGSPerk*> RE::PlayerCharacter::standingStonePerks

◆ stealWarningTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::stealWarningTimer

◆ stolenItemValueMap

BSTHashMap<const TESFaction*, StolenItemValueStruct> RE::PlayerCharacter::stolenItemValueMap

◆ sunGazeImageSpaceModifier

TESImageSpaceModifier* RE::PlayerCharacter::sunGazeImageSpaceModifier

◆ sunGazeTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::sunGazeTimer

◆ targeted3D

NiPointer<NiAVObject> RE::PlayerCharacter::targeted3D

◆ teammateCount

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::teammateCount

◆ telekinesisDistance

float RE::PlayerCharacter::telekinesisDistance

◆ temperingItem

InventoryEntryData* RE::PlayerCharacter::temperingItem

◆ thirdPersonLight

NiPointer<BSLight> RE::PlayerCharacter::thirdPersonLight

◆ tintMasks

BSTArray<TintMask*> RE::PlayerCharacter::tintMasks

◆ totalPlayingTime

std::int64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::totalPlayingTime

◆ unk6B8

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk6B8

◆ unk6BC

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk6BC

◆ unk6FD

std::uint8_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk6FD

◆ unk6FE

std::uint16_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk6FE

◆ unk728

void* RE::PlayerCharacter::unk728

◆ unk8D4

float RE::PlayerCharacter::unk8D4

◆ unk8D8

std::uint64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk8D8

◆ unk8E0

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk8E0

◆ unk934

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk934

◆ unk940

std::uint64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk940

◆ unk964

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk964

◆ unk984

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk984

◆ unk990

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk990

◆ unk994

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk994

◆ unk9BC

RefHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::unk9BC

◆ unk9C0

std::uint64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unk9C0

◆ unkA1C

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkA1C

◆ unkA20

std::uint8_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkA20[0xA0]

◆ unkAC0

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkAC0

◆ unkAC4

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkAC4

◆ unkB04

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkB04

◆ unkB48

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkB48

◆ unkB50

BSTArray<std::uint64_t> RE::PlayerCharacter::unkB50

◆ unkB68

std::uint64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkB68

◆ unkB70

std::uint64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkB70

◆ unkB78

std::uint64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkB78

◆ unkB80

std::uint64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkB80

◆ unkB88

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkB88

◆ unkB90

std::uint64_t RE::PlayerCharacter::unkB90

◆ unkBA0

BSTSmallArray<void*, 4> RE::PlayerCharacter::unkBA0

◆ unusedNote

BGSNote* RE::PlayerCharacter::unusedNote

◆ unusedNote2

BGSNote* RE::PlayerCharacter::unusedNote2

◆ unusedSound

BSSoundHandle RE::PlayerCharacter::unusedSound

◆ valueStolen

std::uint32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::valueStolen

◆ vampireFeedDetection

std::int32_t RE::PlayerCharacter::vampireFeedDetection

◆ vatsDOFInstance

ImageSpaceModifierInstanceDOF* RE::PlayerCharacter::vatsDOFInstance

◆ velocityArray

BSTArray<BSTTuple<NiPoint3, AITimeStamp> > RE::PlayerCharacter::velocityArray


constexpr auto RE::PlayerCharacter::VTABLE = VTABLE_PlayerCharacter

◆ warnToLeaveTimeStamp

AITimeStamp RE::PlayerCharacter::warnToLeaveTimeStamp

◆ yieldTimer

float RE::PlayerCharacter::yieldTimer

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: