CommonLibSSE (powerof3)
No Matches
RE::TESActorBase Class Reference

#include <TESActorBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for RE::TESActorBase:
RE::BGSPerkRankArray RE::BGSAttackDataForm RE::BGSKeywordForm RE::BGSSkinForm RE::BGSDestructibleObjectForm RE::ActorValueOwner RE::TESFullName RE::TESAIForm RE::TESSpellList RE::TESContainer RE::TESActorBaseData RE::TESBoundAnimObject RE::TESNPC

Public Member Functions

 ~TESActorBase () override
bool AddChange (std::uint32_t a_changeFlags) override
void RemoveChange (std::uint32_t a_changeFlags) override
void SaveGame (BGSSaveFormBuffer *a_buf) override
void LoadGame (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
bool IsAutoCalc () const override
void SetAutoCalc (bool a_autoCalc) override
float GetActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue) override
float GetPermanentActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue) override
float GetBaseActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue) override
void SetBaseActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue, float a_value) override
void ModActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue, float a_value) override
void RestoreActorValue (ACTOR_VALUE_MODIFIER a_modifier, ActorValue a_akValue, float a_value) override
void SetActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue, float a_value) override
bool GetIsPlayerOwner () const override
virtual bool GetHasPLSpecTex () const
virtual TESCombatStyleGetCombatStyle ()
virtual void SetCombatStyle (TESCombatStyle *a_combatStyle)
virtual TESFormGetAsForm ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESBoundAnimObject
 ~TESBoundAnimObject () override
bool IsBoundAnimObject () override
bool ReplaceModel (const char *a_str) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESBoundObject
 ~TESBoundObject () override
void LoadObjectBound (TESFile *a_mod) override
bool IsBoundObject () const override
bool Activate (TESObjectREFR *a_targetRef, TESObjectREFR *a_activatorRef, std::uint8_t a_arg3, TESBoundObject *a_object, std::int32_t a_targetCount) override
NiAVObjectClone3D (TESObjectREFR *a_ref, bool a_arg3) override
bool ReplaceModel () override
virtual void SetObjectVoiceType (BGSVoiceType *a_voiceType)
virtual BGSVoiceTypeGetObjectVoiceType () const
virtual NiAVObjectClone3D (TESObjectREFR *a_ref)
virtual bool GetActivateText (TESObjectREFR *a_activator, BSString &a_dst)
virtual bool CalculateDoFavor (Actor *a_activator, bool a_arg2, TESObjectREFR *a_toActivate, float a_arg3)
virtual void HandleRemoveItemFromContainer (TESObjectREFR *a_container)
virtual void OnRemove3D (NiAVObject *a_obj3D)
virtual void OnCheckModels ()
virtual void OnCopyReference ()
virtual void OnFinishScale ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESObject
 ~TESObject () override
bool IsObject () const override
std::uint32_t GetRefCount () const override
virtual void Unk_3B (void)
virtual TESWaterFormGetWaterType () const
virtual void UnClone3D (TESObjectREFR *a_ref)
virtual bool IsMarker ()
virtual bool IsOcclusionMarker ()
virtual std::uint32_t IncRef ()
virtual std::uint32_t DecRef ()
virtual NiAVObjectLoadGraphics (TESObjectREFR *a_ref)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESForm
 ~TESForm () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
virtual void InitializeData ()
virtual void ClearData ()
virtual bool Load (TESFile *a_mod)
virtual bool LoadPartial (TESFile *a_mod)
virtual bool LoadEdit (TESFile *a_mod)
virtual TESFormCreateDuplicateForm (bool a_createEditorID, void *a_arg2)
virtual bool FindInFileFast (TESFile *a_mod)
virtual bool CheckSaveGame (BGSSaveFormBuffer *a_buf)
virtual void InitLoadGame (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf)
virtual void FinishLoadGame (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf)
virtual void Revert (BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf)
virtual void InitItemImpl ()
virtual TESFileGetDescriptionOwnerFile () const
virtual FormType GetSavedFormType () const
virtual void GetFormDetailedString (char *a_buf, std::uint32_t a_bufLen)
virtual bool GetKnown () const
virtual bool GetRandomAnim () const
virtual bool GetPlayable () const
virtual bool IsHeadingMarker () const
virtual bool GetDangerous () const
virtual bool QHasCurrents () const
virtual bool GetObstacle () const
virtual bool QIsLODLandObject () const
virtual bool GetOnLocalMap () const
virtual bool GetMustUpdate () const
virtual void SetOnLocalMap (bool a_set)
virtual bool GetIgnoredBySandbox () const
virtual void SetDelete (bool a_set)
virtual void SetAltered (bool a_set)
virtual void SaveObjectBound ()
virtual bool IsMagicItem () const
virtual bool IsWater () const
virtual TESObjectREFRAsReference1 ()
virtual const TESObjectREFRAsReference2 () const
virtual const char * GetTextForParsedSubTag (const BSFixedString &a_tag) const
virtual void Copy (TESForm *a_srcForm)
virtual bool BelongsInGroup (FORM *a_form, bool a_allowParentGroups, bool a_currentOnly)
virtual void CreateGroupData (FORM *a_form, FORM_GROUP *a_group)
virtual const char * GetFormEditorID () const
virtual bool SetFormEditorID (const char *a_str)
virtual bool IsParentForm ()
virtual bool IsParentFormTree ()
virtual bool IsFormTypeChild (FormType a_type)
virtual void SetFormID (FormID a_id, bool a_updateFile)
virtual const char * GetObjectTypeName () const
virtual bool QAvailableInGame () const
template<class T , class = std::enable_if_t< std::negation_v< std::disjunction< std::is_pointer<T>, std::is_reference<T>, std::is_const<T>, std::is_volatile<T>>>>>
T * As () noexcept
template<class T , class = std::enable_if_t< std::negation_v< std::disjunction< std::is_pointer<T>, std::is_reference<T>, std::is_const<T>, std::is_volatile<T>>>>>
const T * As () const noexcept
TESObjectREFRAsReference ()
const TESObjectREFRAsReference () const
TESFileGetFile (std::int32_t a_idx=-1) const
std::uint32_t GetFormFlags () const noexcept
FormID GetFormID () const noexcept
FormType GetFormType () const noexcept
std::int32_t GetGoldValue () const
FormID GetLocalFormID ()
const char * GetName () const
float GetWeight () const
bool HasKeywordInArray (const std::vector< BGSKeyword * > &a_keywords, bool a_matchAll) const
bool HasAnyKeywordByEditorID (const std::vector< std::string > &editorIDs) const
bool HasKeywordByEditorID (std::string_view a_editorID)
bool HasKeywordInList (BGSListForm *a_keywordList, bool a_matchAll) const
bool HasVMAD () const
bool HasWorldModel () const noexcept
void InitItem ()
bool Is (FormType a_type) const noexcept
template<class... Args>
requires (std::same_as<Args, FormType> && ...)
bool Is (Args... a_args) const noexcept
bool IsAmmo () const noexcept
bool IsArmor () const noexcept
bool IsBook () const noexcept
bool IsDeleted () const noexcept
bool IsDynamicForm () const noexcept
bool IsGold () const noexcept
bool IsIgnored () const noexcept
bool IsInventoryObject () const
bool IsInitialized () const noexcept
bool IsKey () const noexcept
bool IsLockpick () const noexcept
bool IsNot (FormType a_type) const noexcept
template<class... Args>
requires (std::same_as<Args, FormType> && ...)
bool IsNot (Args... a_args) const noexcept
bool IsNote () const noexcept
bool IsPlayer () const noexcept
bool IsPlayerRef () const noexcept
bool IsSkooma () const noexcept
bool IsSoulGem () const noexcept
bool IsWeapon () const noexcept
void SetFile (TESFile *a_file)
void SetPlayerKnows (bool a_known)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BaseFormComponent
virtual ~BaseFormComponent ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESActorBaseData
 ~TESActorBaseData () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
virtual void CopyFromTemplateForms (TESActorBase **a_templateForms)
virtual bool GetIsGhost () const
virtual bool GetInvulnerable () const
virtual void Unk_07 (void)
virtual BGSVoiceTypeGetVoiceType (void)
constexpr bool AffectsStealthMeter () const noexcept
constexpr bool Bleeds () const noexcept
constexpr bool IsEssential () const noexcept
constexpr bool IsFemale () const noexcept
bool IsGhost () const
constexpr bool IsPreset () const noexcept
constexpr bool IsProtected () const noexcept
constexpr bool IsSimpleActor () const noexcept
constexpr bool IsSummonable () const noexcept
constexpr bool IsUnique () const noexcept
bool IsInvulnerable () const
constexpr bool HasAutoCalcStats () const noexcept
constexpr bool HasBleedoutOverride () const noexcept
constexpr bool HasPCLevelMult () const noexcept
constexpr bool Respawns () const noexcept
constexpr bool UsesOppositeGenderAnims () const noexcept
constexpr bool UsesTemplate () const noexcept
std::uint16_t GetLevel () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESContainer
 ~TESContainer () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
void ForEachContainerObject (std::function< BSContainer::ForEachResult(ContainerObject &)> a_fn) const
std::optional< ContainerObject * > GetContainerObjectAt (std::uint32_t a_idx) const
std::optional< std::uint32_t > GetContainerObjectIndex (TESBoundObject *a_object, std::int32_t a_count) const
bool AddObjectToContainer (TESBoundObject *a_object, std::int32_t a_count, TESForm *a_owner)
bool AddObjectsToContainer (std::map< TESBoundObject *, std::int32_t > &a_objects, TESForm *a_owner)
std::int32_t CountObjectsInContainer (TESBoundObject *a_object) const
bool RemoveObjectFromContainer (TESBoundObject *a_object, std::int32_t a_count)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESSpellList
 ~TESSpellList () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESAIForm
 ~TESAIForm () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
bool AggroRadiusBehaviourIsEnabled () const
ACTOR_AGGRESSION GetAggressionLevel () const
ACTOR_ASSISTANCE GetAssistanceLevel () const
ACTOR_CONFIDENCE GetConfidenceLevel () const
std::uint8_t GetEnergyLevel () const
ACTOR_MOOD GetMoodLevel () const
ACTOR_MORALITY GetMoralityLevel () const
bool NoSlowApproach () const
void SetAggressionLevel (ACTOR_AGGRESSION a_level)
void SetAssistanceLevel (ACTOR_ASSISTANCE a_level)
void SetConfidenceLevel (ACTOR_CONFIDENCE a_level)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESFullName
 ~TESFullName () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
virtual std::uint32_t GetFullNameLength () const
virtual const char * GetFullName () const
void SetFullName (const char *a_name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::ActorValueOwner
virtual ~ActorValueOwner ()
float GetArmorRatingSkillMultiplier (float a_skillLevel) const
float GetClampedActorValue (ActorValue a_akValue) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BGSDestructibleObjectForm
 ~BGSDestructibleObjectForm () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BGSSkinForm
 ~BGSSkinForm () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BGSKeywordForm
 ~BGSKeywordForm () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
virtual bool HasKeyword (const BGSKeyword *a_keyword) const
virtual BGSKeywordGetDefaultKeyword () const
bool AddKeyword (BGSKeyword *a_keyword)
bool AddKeywords (const std::vector< BGSKeyword * > &a_keywords)
bool ContainsKeywordString (std::string_view a_editorID) const
void ForEachKeyword (std::function< BSContainer::ForEachResult(BGSKeyword *)> a_callback) const
std::optional< BGSKeyword * > GetKeywordAt (std::uint32_t a_idx) const
std::optional< std::uint32_t > GetKeywordIndex (BGSKeyword *a_keyword) const
std::uint32_t GetNumKeywords () const
bool HasKeywordID (FormID a_formID) const
bool HasKeywordString (std::string_view a_editorID) const
bool RemoveKeyword (std::uint32_t a_index)
bool RemoveKeyword (BGSKeyword *a_keyword)
bool RemoveKeywords (const std::vector< BGSKeyword * > &a_keywords)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BGSAttackDataForm
 ~BGSAttackDataForm () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *a_rhs) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::BGSPerkRankArray
 ~BGSPerkRankArray () override
void InitializeDataComponent () override
void ClearDataComponent () override
void CopyComponent (BaseFormComponent *rhs) override

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESActorBase
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESActorBase
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESBoundAnimObject
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESBoundAnimObject
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESBoundAnimObject
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESBoundObject
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESBoundObject
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESBoundObject
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESObject
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESObject
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESObject
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESForm
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESForm
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESForm
static constexpr auto FORMTYPE = FormType::None
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::BaseFormComponent
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_BaseFormComponent
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_BaseFormComponent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESActorBaseData
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESActorBaseData
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESActorBaseData
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESContainer
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESContainer
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESContainer
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESSpellList
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESSpellList
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESSpellList
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESAIForm
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESAIForm
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESAIForm
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESFullName
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESFullName
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESFullName
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::ActorValueOwner
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_ActorValueOwner
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_ActorValueOwner
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSDestructibleObjectForm
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_BGSDestructibleObjectForm
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_BGSDestructibleObjectForm
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSSkinForm
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_BGSSkinForm
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_BGSSkinForm
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSKeywordForm
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_BGSKeywordForm
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_BGSKeywordForm
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSAttackDataForm
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_BGSAttackDataForm
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_BGSAttackDataForm
- Static Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSPerkRankArray
static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_BGSPerkRankArray
static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_BGSPerkRankArray

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from RE::TESForm
enum class  InGameFormFlag {
  kNone = 0 , kWantsDelete = 1 << 0 , kForcedPersistent = 1 << 1 , kNoFavorAllowed = 1 << 4 ,
  kIsSkyObject = 1 << 5 , kRefOriginalPersistent = 1 << 6 , kRefPermanentlyDeleted = 1 << 7
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RE::TESForm
static void AddCompileIndex (FormID &a_id, TESFile *a_file)
static auto GetAllForms () -> std::pair< BSTHashMap< FormID, TESForm * > *, std::reference_wrapper< BSReadWriteLock > >
static auto GetAllFormsByEditorID () -> std::pair< BSTHashMap< BSFixedString, TESForm * > *, std::reference_wrapper< BSReadWriteLock > >
static TESFormLookupByID (FormID a_formID)
template<class T >
static T * LookupByID (FormID a_formID)
static TESFormLookupByEditorID (const std::string_view &a_editorID)
template<class T >
static T * LookupByEditorID (const std::string_view &a_editorID)
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESBoundObject
BOUND_DATA boundData
std::uint32_t pad2C
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESForm
TESFileContainer sourceFiles
std::uint32_t formFlags
FormID formID
REX::EnumSet< InGameFormFlag, std::uint16_t > inGameFormFlags
REX::EnumSet< FormType, std::uint8_t > formType
std::uint8_t pad1B
std::uint32_t pad1C
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESActorBaseData
TESForm ** templateForms
BSTArray< FACTION_RANKfactions
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESContainer
ContainerObject ** containerObjects
std::uint32_t numContainerObjects
bool allowStolenItems
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESSpellList
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESAIForm
PackageList aiPackages
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::TESFullName
BSFixedString fullName
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSDestructibleObjectForm
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSSkinForm
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSKeywordForm
BGSKeyword ** keywords
std::uint32_t numKeywords
std::uint32_t pad14
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSAttackDataForm
NiPointer< BGSAttackDataMapattackDataMap
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::BGSPerkRankArray
std::uint32_t perkCount
std::uint32_t pad14

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~TESActorBase()

RE::TESActorBase::~TESActorBase ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddChange()

bool RE::TESActorBase::AddChange ( std::uint32_t  a_changeFlags)

Reimplemented from RE::TESForm.

◆ GetActorValue()

float RE::TESActorBase::GetActorValue ( ActorValue  a_akValue)

Reimplemented from RE::ActorValueOwner.

Reimplemented in RE::TESNPC.

◆ GetAsForm()

virtual TESForm * RE::TESActorBase::GetAsForm ( )

◆ GetBaseActorValue()

float RE::TESActorBase::GetBaseActorValue ( ActorValue  a_akValue)

Reimplemented from RE::ActorValueOwner.

◆ GetCombatStyle()

virtual TESCombatStyle * RE::TESActorBase::GetCombatStyle ( )

Reimplemented in RE::TESNPC.

◆ GetHasPLSpecTex()

virtual bool RE::TESActorBase::GetHasPLSpecTex ( ) const

◆ GetIsPlayerOwner()

bool RE::TESActorBase::GetIsPlayerOwner ( ) const

Reimplemented from RE::ActorValueOwner.

◆ GetPermanentActorValue()

float RE::TESActorBase::GetPermanentActorValue ( ActorValue  a_akValue)

Reimplemented from RE::ActorValueOwner.

◆ IsAutoCalc()

bool RE::TESActorBase::IsAutoCalc ( ) const

Reimplemented from RE::TESObject.

◆ LoadGame()

void RE::TESActorBase::LoadGame ( BGSLoadFormBuffer a_buf)

Reimplemented from RE::TESForm.

Reimplemented in RE::TESNPC.

◆ ModActorValue()

void RE::TESActorBase::ModActorValue ( ActorValue  a_akValue,
float  a_value 

Reimplemented from RE::ActorValueOwner.

◆ RemoveChange()

void RE::TESActorBase::RemoveChange ( std::uint32_t  a_changeFlags)

Reimplemented from RE::TESForm.

◆ RestoreActorValue()

void RE::TESActorBase::RestoreActorValue ( ACTOR_VALUE_MODIFIER  a_modifier,
ActorValue  a_akValue,
float  a_value 

Reimplemented from RE::ActorValueOwner.

◆ SaveGame()

void RE::TESActorBase::SaveGame ( BGSSaveFormBuffer a_buf)

Reimplemented from RE::TESForm.

Reimplemented in RE::TESNPC.

◆ SetActorValue()

void RE::TESActorBase::SetActorValue ( ActorValue  a_akValue,
float  a_value 

Reimplemented from RE::ActorValueOwner.

Reimplemented in RE::TESNPC.

◆ SetAutoCalc()

void RE::TESActorBase::SetAutoCalc ( bool  a_autoCalc)

Reimplemented from RE::TESObject.

◆ SetBaseActorValue()

void RE::TESActorBase::SetBaseActorValue ( ActorValue  a_akValue,
float  a_value 

Reimplemented from RE::ActorValueOwner.

◆ SetCombatStyle()

virtual void RE::TESActorBase::SetCombatStyle ( TESCombatStyle a_combatStyle)

Reimplemented in RE::TESNPC.

Member Data Documentation


constexpr auto RE::TESActorBase::RTTI = RTTI_TESActorBase


constexpr auto RE::TESActorBase::VTABLE = VTABLE_TESActorBase

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: