CommonLibSSE (powerof3)
No Matches
RE::GMemoryHeapPT Class Reference

#include <GMemoryHeap.h>

Inheritance diagram for RE::GMemoryHeapPT:
RE::GMemoryHeap RE::GListNode< GMemoryHeap >

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from RE::GMemoryHeap
enum class  MemReportType {
  kBrief , kSummary , kMedium , kFull ,
  kSimple , kSimpleBrief , kFileSummary , kHeapsOnly
enum class  HeapFlags {
  kNone = 0 , kThreadUnsafe = 1 << 0 , kFastTinyBlocks = 1 << 1 , kFixedGranularity = 1 << 2 ,
  kRoot = 1 << 3 , kNoDebugInfo = 1 << 4 , kUserDebug = 1 << 12
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::GMemoryHeap
virtual void CreateArena (UPInt a_arena, GSysAllocPaged *a_sysAlloc)=0
virtual void DestroyArena (UPInt a_arena)=0
virtual bool ArenaIsEmpty (UPInt a_arena)=0
virtual GMemoryHeapCreateHeap (const char *a_name, const HeapDesc &a_desc)=0
virtual void SetLimitHandler (LimitHandler *handler)=0
virtual void SetLimit (UPInt newLimit)=0
virtual void AddRef ()=0
virtual void Release ()=0
virtual void * Alloc (UPInt a_size)=0
virtual void * Alloc (UPInt a_size, UPInt a_align)=0
virtual void * Realloc (void *a_oldPtr, UPInt a_newSize)=0
virtual void Free (void *a_ptr)=0
virtual void * AllocAutoHeap (const void *a_this, UPInt a_size)=0
virtual void * AllocAutoHeap (const void *a_this, UPInt a_size, UPInt a_align)=0
virtual GMemoryHeapGetAllocHeap (const void *a_this)=0
virtual UPInt GetUsableSize (const void *a_ptr)=0
virtual void * AllocSysDirect (UPInt a_size)=0
virtual void FreeSysDirect (void *a_ptr, UPInt a_size)=0
virtual bool GetStats (GStatBag *a_bag)=0
virtual UPInt GetFootprint () const =0
virtual UPInt GetTotalFootprint () const =0
virtual UPInt GetUsedSpace () const =0
virtual UPInt GetTotalUsedSpace () const =0
virtual void GetRootStats (RootStats *a_stats)=0
virtual void VisitMem (GHeapMemVisitor *a_visitor, std::uint32_t a_flags)=0
virtual void VisitRootSegments (GHeapSegVisitor *a_visitor)=0
virtual void VisitHeapSegments (GHeapSegVisitor *a_visitor) const =0
virtual void SetTracer (HeapTracer *a_tracer)=0
GMemoryHeapCreateHeap (const char *a_name, HeapFlags a_flags=HeapFlags::kNone, UPInt a_minAlign=16, UPInt a_granularity=16 *1024, UPInt a_reserve=16 *1024, UPInt a_threshold=UPINT_MAX, UPInt a_limit=0, GHeapID a_heapID=GHeapID::kReserved, UPInt a_arena=0)
void GetHeapInfo (HeapInfo *a_info) const
const char * GetName () const
GHeapID GetID () const
GMemoryHeapGetParentHeap () const
HeapFlags GetFlags () const
UPInt GetGranularity () const
UPInt GetLimit () const
bool IsThreadSafe () const
void ReleaseOnFree (void *a_ptr)
void AssignToCurrentThread ()
bool DumpMemoryLeaks ()
void UltimateCheck ()
void CheckIntegrity ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::GListNode< GMemoryHeap >
 GListNode ()
void Remove ()
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::GListNode< GMemoryHeap >
GListNode< GMemoryHeap > * prev
GListNode< GMemoryHeap > * next
- Protected Types inherited from RE::GMemoryHeap
using ChildListType = GList< GMemoryHeap >
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RE::GMemoryHeap
virtual ~GMemoryHeap ()
virtual void DestroyItself ()=0
virtual void UltimateCheck_Internal ()=0
virtual void ReleaseCachedMem ()=0
virtual bool DumpMemoryLeaks_Internal ()=0
virtual void CheckIntegrity_Internal () const =0
virtual void GetUserDebugStats (RootStats *a_stats) const =0
- Protected Attributes inherited from RE::GMemoryHeap
UPInt _selfSize
volatile std::uint32_t _refCount
std::uint32_t _pad24
UPInt _ownerThreadID
void * _autoRelease
HeapInfo _info
ChildListType _childHeaps
GLock _heapLock
bool _useLocks
bool _trackDebugInfo
std::uint16_t _padC2
std::uint32_t _padC4

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: