CommonLibSSE (powerof3)
No Matches
FormTypes.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  RE
namespace  std


enum class  RE::FormType {
  RE::None = 0 , RE::PluginInfo , RE::FormGroup , RE::GameSetting ,
  RE::Keyword , RE::LocationRefType , RE::Action , RE::TextureSet ,
  RE::MenuIcon , RE::Global , RE::Class , RE::Faction ,
  RE::HeadPart , RE::Eyes , RE::Race , RE::Sound ,
  RE::AcousticSpace , RE::Skill , RE::MagicEffect , RE::Script ,
  RE::LandTexture , RE::Enchantment , RE::Spell , RE::Scroll ,
  RE::Activator , RE::TalkingActivator , RE::Armor , RE::Book ,
  RE::Container , RE::Door , RE::Ingredient , RE::Light ,
  RE::Misc , RE::Apparatus , RE::Static , RE::StaticCollection ,
  RE::MovableStatic , RE::Grass , RE::Tree , RE::Flora ,
  RE::Furniture , RE::Weapon , RE::Ammo , RE::NPC ,
  RE::LeveledNPC , RE::KeyMaster , RE::AlchemyItem , RE::IdleMarker ,
  RE::Note , RE::ConstructibleObject , RE::Projectile , RE::Hazard ,
  RE::SoulGem , RE::LeveledItem , RE::Weather , RE::Climate ,
  RE::ShaderParticleGeometryData , RE::ReferenceEffect , RE::Region , RE::Navigation ,
  RE::Cell , RE::Reference , RE::ActorCharacter , RE::ProjectileMissile ,
  RE::ProjectileArrow , RE::ProjectileGrenade , RE::ProjectileBeam , RE::ProjectileFlame ,
  RE::ProjectileCone , RE::ProjectileBarrier , RE::PlacedHazard , RE::WorldSpace ,
  RE::Land , RE::NavMesh , RE::TLOD , RE::Dialogue ,
  RE::Info , RE::Quest , RE::Idle , RE::Package ,
  RE::CombatStyle , RE::LoadScreen , RE::LeveledSpell , RE::AnimatedObject ,
  RE::Water , RE::EffectShader , RE::TOFT , RE::Explosion ,
  RE::Debris , RE::ImageSpace , RE::ImageAdapter , RE::FormList ,
  RE::Perk , RE::BodyPartData , RE::AddonNode , RE::ActorValueInfo ,
  RE::CameraShot , RE::CameraPath , RE::VoiceType , RE::MaterialType ,
  RE::Impact , RE::ImpactDataSet , RE::Armature , RE::EncounterZone ,
  RE::Location , RE::Message , RE::Ragdoll , RE::DefaultObject ,
  RE::LightingMaster , RE::MusicType , RE::Footstep , RE::FootstepSet ,
  RE::StoryManagerBranchNode , RE::StoryManagerQuestNode , RE::StoryManagerEventNode , RE::DialogueBranch ,
  RE::MusicTrack , RE::DialogueView , RE::WordOfPower , RE::Shout ,
  RE::EquipSlot , RE::Relationship , RE::Scene , RE::AssociationType ,
  RE::Outfit , RE::ArtObject , RE::MaterialObject , RE::MovementType ,
  RE::SoundRecord , RE::DualCastData , RE::SoundCategory , RE::SoundOutputModel ,
  RE::CollisionLayer , RE::ColorForm , RE::ReverbParam , RE::LensFlare ,
  RE::LensSprite , RE::VolumetricLighting , RE::Max


std::string_view RE::FormTypeToString (FormType a_formType) noexcept
FormType RE::StringToFormType (std::string_view a_formType)
std::string std::to_string (RE::FormType a_formType)